Chapter Forty-Two

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The nauseating feeling doesn't ease at all no matter how many deep breaths I take it's just there in the pit of my stomach threatening to rear it's ugly head at any moment.

Luckily everyone is so preoccupied with making arrangements that they don't seem to really notice as I just sit there staring at the same spot on the floor because if I move I know the vomiting with start again. There's been a few glances from Freddie and Lorenzo here and there but from the sympathetic looks I've had I'm sure they think it's the fear and trauma coming to the surface.

But for once my mind isn't solely locked onto the horrific memories of Antonio and but I don't quite know if I even feel relieved about it not. I just feel like I don't have the mental capacity to deal with more than one thing right now.

Alec is the only one that's kept his gazed more fixed on me but he's been so quiet after yesterday I'm not majorly surprised. I have a feeling he'll be like this for a few days, more so now that they plan on really going after Antonio.

I don't really know what the plan is because I completely zoned out whilst they went over everything all I could think about was the potential that I could very well be pregnant. I literally couldn't focus on anything else. All I know is that everyone is going including myself with just a skeleton team being left behind. They said something about always wanting to know I was safe and okay, not wanting a repeat of last time but instead of commenting I just nodded my agreement.

We head back to the house to pack some essentials the guys saying I only need enough clothes for a day or two because we won't be there for long. I don't really focus on what I'm packing I just throw things into my bag in complete auto mode and once I'm done I just sit there at the end of my bed until I feel the bed dip next me.

I look up to see Alec staring at me with a cautious look on his face "are you okay?" He asks and I can tell he's analysing my reaction to his question.

"I'm fine" I quickly reply and go to stand but he grabs my hand and stops me.

Standing he cups my face in his hands and tilts my head so I have to look at him as he says "Please don't lie to me Alissandra we said no more lies or secrets"

I have to swallow hard as I try to keep my expression clear "it's just a lot and I'm trying to wrap my head around it all" I reply not particularly lying but not completely telling the truth either.

He doesn't seem completely buy what I'm saying either and I can tell that he wants to push it further but chooses not to.

Grabbing my bag he takes my hand as he leads me out of the bedroom and we head downstairs together where the others are waiting with concerned looks on their faces but it's different to Alec's. Theirs was concern for how I was going to manage with being in Texas again, close to where Antonio was going to be. But with Alec there was something else he was concerned about.

Lorenzo gives me a slight smile and says "We've got a jet waiting for us, when we get there there's going be a lot of people you don't know if it's too much for you all you have to do is say and we'll move them elsewhere okay?"

I quietly mumble 'okay' and nod my head wishing I'd paid a little bit more attention to them explaining the plan.


Once we get to Texas there's lots of discussions about what happens next, most of which I don't really pay much attention to. All I know is that they plan on going to get Antonio tomorrow night and Freddie keeps saying how it's all going to be over after that but I won't let myself get too carried away with that thought not until it really is over.

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