Chapter Three

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Four weeks ago...

Alissandra's (POV)

I'd gone up to my room to see if I could try and get some sleep. I'd been a bag of nerves since I'd left the house and it was getting harder and harder to keep myself calm. The boys called all the time and tried their hardest to reassure me but I knew I wouldn't be okay until I was back there with them.

Bless Brad and Zak they were also trying their hardest to comfort me. Zak was only a year older than me and Brad was 23. They both seemed so young to be involved in this kind of life but then they seemed to be in it willingly. They kept bringing me food to try and get me to eat but I just couldn't stomach anything I was so on edge anytime I'd try to eat I'd feel physically sick. I knew they were feeding back to the boys how I was doing because all of our conversations would revolve around me eating and sleeping. They wouldn't tell me anything about their plan for Antonio either, I knew they were trying to protect me but the not know was making it so much worse.

I must of fallen asleep pretty easily because when I finally woke up I felt someone gently stroking the hair out of my face. I smiled to myself thinking I'd open my eyes to see one of my boys sitting there with me and telling me I could finally come home but as my eyes flickered open my worst nightmares were brought to reality. My hear stopped as I stared into his jet black soulless eyes. He'd changed a little from the last time I'd seen him, his hair was longer and he had had a beard but the biggest thing I'd noticed was how much bigger he'd got. He used to dwarf me as it was but now it seemed like he was on steroids. I stood no fucking chance against him now that was for sure.

"Hello pretty girl" he coo'd as he continued to stroke my face. "I'm so happy I finally found you" I didn't move a muscle I just continued to lay there staring at him I knew if I moved an inch he'd do something to hurt me. I was back in hell and I'd experienced it enough times to know exactly what would spark his evil side. This I could cope with, when he was like this he wouldn't hurt me and I just needed to keep him happy until Lorenzo, Alec and Freddie could get here. Surely they would know where he was especially that he was here.

"Isn't she beautiful" he said turning to talk to someone across the room. I glanced up still cautious not to move and that was when I saw Tommy.

"Yeah she's great but we should really get going" Tommy sighed and it seemed like he wanted to be anywhere but here and to be fair I felt the fucking same.

"No not yet!" Antonio shouted making me flinch and that was when my heart dropped because his head snapped round to look at me.

"Are you scared of me Ali?" he asked and a menacing grin flashed across his face. I shook my head quickly and then tried to remain as still as possible.

"Don't lie to me" he shouted again making me flinch yet again.

Before I knew it he slapped me across the face and pinned me down, I tried as hard as I could to get out from under him but it was useless he was so heavy and I was already exhausted from the lack of sleep and food. "Help me get her tied up" he said to Tommy who moved instantly and helped him.

They tied my hands to the headboard and then my feet to the base of the bed so I couldn't move an inch. He the ripped open my top and I saw the look in his eyes as they widened at the sight of me in my bra.

"Oh Ali you really are perfect" he moaned and leaned down to lick my stomach. I felt physically sick at the feeling.

I clenched my eyes closed not wanting to see what ever was going to happen to me next. If he was going to kill me id rather he just got it over and done with at this point. "I always made sure to never leave any lasting marks on you but now I think you need something to remind you never to run away from me again" I heard the sound of his knife flicking open and I hesitantly waited knowing that pain would be coming next. And just as expected the pain that followed was crippling. Antonio took his knife and started slicing different areas of skin across my chest and stomach. I couldn't help but scream each time he sliced through my skin it felt like that area was on fire. Slice after slice he just kept going relentlessly until I was eventually laying there on my blood soaked mattress with my whole torso in excruciating pain.

Once he seemed satisfied that's he'd inflicted enough pain he started laughing and I felt him move off of the bed. He cut the restraints from my hands and feet but I didn't move I just laid there with my eyes still closed.  "Get up" he ordered and with that my eyes shot open and I tried to sit myself up but it clearly wasn't quick enough for him "I said get up" he practically screamed in my face before gripping my hair in his fist and dragging me up so I was eye level with him. I scratched at his hand to try and get him to let me go but as I did he dragged across the room at such a speed I couldn't scramble myself up and I could feel my hair ripping out of my scalp. My legs were flapping about in an attempt to try and stand up but all I was doing was knocking things overs and making him more angry. Once he got over to the mirror he stood me up in front of him and wrapped his hand around my throat making it difficult to breathe.

"Look at yourself" he growled and shook me by my neck. I looked at myself in the mirror and then my eyes flickered up to his. "You see these Ali" he stuck his finger in one of the cuts making me wince. "I'll stop hurting you. All you have to do is realise that we belong together" he was even more deranged as he used to be. I was never going to realise that we belonged together.

He pushed him self against me and disgustingly I could feel that he was hard. He was fucking turned on by this. "Ever since you came to Italy I knew that one day you would be mine" he grunted in my ear as he continued to grind himself against me. His heavy breathing told me that he was getting himself off.

"I was 5" I couldn't help but bite back at him and I knew it was a huge mistake but the thought of him wanting me then made my stomach churn. He quickly spun me around so I was facing him and slammed me against the mirror with such force I could feel it start to crack against my skin. Before I could even catch my breath he kept slamming me into the mirror over and over again. I could feel the shards of glass digging into my skin and the sensation of blood trickling down my back.
Eventually he let go and I dropped to the ground on top of all the shattered glass and gasped for air "get her in the car" he ordered to Tommy and then the next thing I felt was a sharp prick in my neck and moments later everything went dark.

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