Chapter Two

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TW: Reference to Rape
2 Weeks Later...

It seemed like Tommy was right. Antonio and Alissandra were still in the states the problem was we had no fucking idea where. He'd been spotted in Oregon but by the time we got there the place was already gutted and empty with no trace of Alissandra. It seemed he was two steps ahead of us and was doing everything he could to stop her from being found.

I was sitting in the club office going through the information we did have for what felt like the hundredth time. There was fuck all in there but I couldn't just sit around doing nothing I just hoped we'd somehow managed to miss something that would jump out at me and give us some kind of good news for once. My phone started buzzing on the desk and I looked to see it was Bulldog one of the bar owners in the city. We'd pretty much put the feelers out to everyone we could trust and asked for their help so I was hoping he had something for me.

Before I even had chance to say hello Bulldog was snapping down the phone. "You've got to keep your mate in check" I could tell Bulldog was furious and this was the last thing I needed right now I had enough to fucking deal with.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair running my hand through my hair. "what's Freddie done now?" I groaned back. I knew it would of had something to do with him. Alec had barely left the warehouse in the last two weeks. Somehow he'd managed to not actually kill Tommy yet he was just prolonging it for as long as he could so he spent nearly everyday there inflicting as much pain as he could.

"Trashed my fucking bar is what" Bulldog was seething if we didn't have such a great working relationship with him there's no doubt that Freddie would be in a hospital not passed out drunk in Alissandra's bed.

"I'll pay for any damages" I sighed. This wasn't the first call I'd had recently and at this rate we'd have no fucking money left and there wouldn't be any bars left standing in the city.

His tone softened and he seemed a little less pissed off "I get it man your girls gone and we're all helping you look for her but this is a curtesy call next time I'll let my men deal with him"

"It won't happen again I can guarantee that" i lied I couldn't fucking guarantee that Freddie wouldn't do anything. The first two weeks I'd managed to keep him in check but now another two weeks had passed he'd slipped into dark place himself. It was hard enough trying to keep Alec from killing anyone that even looked at him funny but now Freddie was sinking booze all day and picking fights in bars up and down the city.

Why couldn't them two hold it together whilst I went off the fucking rails. That would be nice. But no I spend every waking hour doing everything I can to hunt down Antonio and find Alissandra. I'm fucking exhausted though I've been practically running on fumes and it's starting to catch up with me now. I cut off the call and sunk further down into my chair, I'd just about let my eyes close when there was a knock on the office door. There was going to be no rest today.

"Come in" I shouted straightening myself up. Peter came through the door gingerly which told me whatever he had to tell me wasn't going to particularly make my day.

"Let me guess more bad news?" I sighed waiting for the train to hit.

He sat down on the chair opposite me and was holding a brown envelope which he seemed a little apprehensive to actually hand to me. "Before I show you these I need to reiterate to you that it isn't Alissandra in the pictures and You'll be best not to show Alec these" he handed the envelope and as I pulled out the pictures inside I couldn't help but gasp.

"What am I looking at?" I asked. It was shocking to see. Each picture was of a dead girl that looked remarkably like Alissandra. She had the same fiery auburn hair and ice blue eyes it was just her features were slightly different. The marks up and down the girls body were horrific, she had sections of skin missing where it had been sliced off. Her whole body was black and blue. The poor girl must of endured hell, what I'd seen Alec do to people was bad but this, this was a whole new level of sick and twisted.

"That is the last girl Antonio raped and tortured" Peter said and my eyes snapped up to him "police found her body the morning that he took Alissandra. I did some more digging ever since she left Italy there's been 6 Jane Doe's found all appearing to have been raped and tortured for months"

"And they all look like her?" I asked and Peter nodded with a glum look on his face.

"It wasn't until this one turned up here that anyone started paying attention. Seems like the girls were trafficked from all over the world. Some had their hair dyed or contacts in" he was fucking torturing girls that looked like her. His obsession clearly run a lot deeper than we thought.

"That's how Jennie was involved she was probably supplying him with the girls" we all knew Jennie's family was into that kind of shit that's what kicked it all off between Alec and her father.

"Whilst we're on the subject of Jennie" Peter raised his eyebrows and I knew what was coming next. "Jason's been asking a lot of questions trying to find his sister" he paused and smirked a little "obviously he's not going to find her but"

"If he connects it to us we're fucked yeah I know" I said finishing his sentence for him.

"Let's not think about that now. We can handle that once we've found your girl" he stood and gave me a comforting tap on the shoulder. Peter had been with us from the start he was our head of operations and managed just about everything for us. I knew he was just as determined to get Alissandra back as we were.

I headed back to the house to find Freddie. I needed to get him in check and update him on what Peter found. I didn't know which part I was dreading most. He was still passed out in Alissandra's bed which was where he'd been choosing to sleep recently.

"Get your shit together we've got stuff to do" I shouted and gave him a shove making him jolt awake in a panic.

"Why don't you care that we haven't found her yet?" He asked as he crawled out of the bed.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. He was going to pick for a fight and accusing me of not caring was the easiest way to do that. "Of course I care I've been doing everything I can to find her" I snapped back trying to keep my composure. "you and Alec have fallen apart one of us has to at least try and keep it together because if I don't then we've got no hope of bringing her home" if I didn't keep focused I'd go out there and kill every fucking person that got in my way until there was no one left. But that wasn't going to bring her home.

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