Chapter Seventeen

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2 months later...
Freddie's (POV)

Glancing over to Alissandra I see her leg bouncing profusely, she's anxious I've been able to feel it ever since we left the house. We're watching as the interior designer pitches us the new designs for the club, and as times goes on I can see she's becoming more and more restless. I shift myself closer to her and place my hand on her knee, gently squeezing to try help calm her nerves and it seems to work because she places her hand over mine and a faint smile flashes across her face. I'm so fucking proud of her, in fact we all are.

These last weeks have been a huge turning point for her, she's no longer shutting herself away and hiding. Now she's facing her fears head on, pushing her limits each day, and it's fucking amazing to see. She wanted us to throw her in the deep end and that's exactly what we've doing, I'm just here to make sure she doesn't sink. Over the last few weeks she's become more comfortable with us, almost back to how she used to be. Physical touch is very PG and that's the only part we haven't pushed her with leaving it to her to show us what she's comfortable with but now she'll tolerate us pulling her in for a hug, sometimes she'll creep into bed with one of us but nothing sexual. And even though we're all about ready to burst at the seems we respect that. But in terms of the rest of her life we've been pushing her and today is no different.

Each day she's got more confident when dealing with strangers having to speak to them because we give her no other choice. Today we're meeting with an interior designer for the club. We decided to have it remodelled whilst we focused on finding and dealing with Antonio. It was the perfect reason to close the club for a few weeks because we didn't have the time to be there every night and a great project to keep Alissandra busy.

She'd also been training with Peter twice a week, at her own request. We all said no initially but she was fucking persistent about it giving us no other choice but to agree to it in the end. Originally she'd asked for it to be one of us to do it but there was no fucking way we were going to be able to teach her to fight and defend herself, it just wasn't in our nature we were too worried we'd end up hurting her so Peter was the best next option. He was someone she knew well enough to let him get close and well he wasn't afraid of one of us beating the shit out of him if she ended up being bruised. That wasn't to say it wasn't agonising watching her be flung around like a rag doll at the beginning as although Peter held back he wasn't completely soft on her and that was exactly what she needed. But now she seemed to be at least getting the gist of it, learning from Peter and hitting the ground a lot less than she was. It also seemed to be helping as well, I guess being able to somewhat defend herself made her feel more empowered.

Although, she doesn't have to worry about her safety because there isn't going to be a chance of Antonio getting any here near her we've made sure of that. The only time one of us isn't with her she's at the house which has a new security system in place with motion and heat sensing cameras, alarms on every exterior door accompanied by hand scanners and enough security walking the grounds that it would put the white house to shame. On the rare occasions she's in the house without one of us there we at least knew she'd be protected but most days she's out with us helping us see to the legitimate businesses.

I've pretty much zoned out for the whole presentation, the ideas this woman has for the club are down right repulsive and from the look on Alissandra's face she seems to agree with me. "What do you think?" The designer asks turning to me with a sultry smile on her face. She's already well aware that everything to do with the remodelling is up to Alissandra but since the moment we walked in here her attention has been directed towards me, purposely ignoring Alissandra's presence making her feel uncomfortable. I've already decided she's fired but I want to see how Alissandra will handle this.

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