Chapter 4

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I drop my book as I heard a knock on my door.

"Chaeng come on open up!" I heard Jennie unnie's voice and I have to rush to the door.

As I open the door her back faced me.

"Zip it please?"

She's wearing a red dress and her hair is fully done. I fixed her zipper and she turned around after.

"Yah! Why aren't you dressed up yet?! Go and prepare!" She said and push me to my room.

I shaked my head as I realise that they are really coming to the castle for the royalties birthday.

After a half hour I went down stairs and found them getting ready.

Jennie unnie is busy fixing her makeup while Jisoo unnie is doing Lisa's hair.

"How about you Chaeng? Want me to do your hair style?" Jennie unnie asked as she saw me.

"No it's fine I'll just let it down" I said

"hmm come here I'll just curl it a little then" She said which I agreed on.

Jisoo unnie has the purple dress that the the brothers gave us.

Lisa has the pink one, while I have a white dress.

After an hour we are now walking are way to the castle. Our older sister couldn't be any excited anymore.

"Woo look at the castle unnie! So mesmerising!" Jennie unnie said smiling.

As we get nearer we saw few familiar faces of our schoolmates. Some of them has turned their gaze on us.

Infact they gossip about us which we heard.

"Look at their dresses, how can they afford those?"

"They probably give it all they have to gain attention"

My eyes rolled in annoyance.

"What's the point of gossiping? They are just insecure for all I know. Cause even with an expensive dresses they can't be as perfect as we are" Jennie unnie said.

"Indeed" Jisoo unnie clapped for it.

While Lisa and I laughed of their silliness.

"It must've be so good to live in here..." Lisa whispered as we look around the big castle.

Everything is gold and expensive.

We are slowly getting crowded as a lot of people comes in.

Our masters from school is also present in the castle.

The slow musics starts and everyone is having fun.

"Look its the trio!"

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok comes down the stair with their formal attire and tuxedo's

They send a smile to everyone and they seemed to be happy about it.

They looked around like they are finding something and that makes me nervous.

As I was about to turn around Their eyes already found me.

"Opps They found their prey" Jennie unnie teased me.

"And they are coming here they are." Jisoo unnie!

Just then they stopped just right in front of us.

"Hi ladies are you enjoying? Are the dresses okay for you?" Hoseok greeted with a smile.

"We're very well fine so are the dresses, We forgot to thank you for it" Jisoo unnie replied.

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