Chapter 27

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The day become special for every student as they believe that this is the very day they got their freedom.
The school shines brighter than it ever could.


Jungkook called her as soon as he saw Chaeyoung coming down with Hoseok beside her and a few guards behind them.

"You really need to stop calling be that or they'll think I'm some kind of your family or blood related person"

Chaeyoung said as she saw how others turn to take a quick look at her and the interaction she made with the  young prince.

"No, and above all I don't care what they'll think about us"

Chaeyoung could only shook her head as she know the youngest prince wouldn't back off for calling her that way and most specially being so clingy of her.

"Well you may have to care what will my little sis think if she saw you this clingy of me... I'm afraid this will turn her off my dear Prince".

Like a guilty criminal, Jungkook stood straight a little away from her. Chaeyoung chuckled at the Prince action. Just so cute. She thought.

Speaking of her sister where are they right now? she thought and look around to see any one of the three. After everything that happens all she wants now is to see them.

"No need for that they're waiting for you right there"

Chaeyoung's face lit up as she realized what the prince meant. Without any more hesitation she went right where Jungkook pointed.


As the sky get dark the four bid each other their goodbyes. Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo went back to their home while Chaeyoung went back to Handrollin with Hoseok.

The crowned Prince prepared a dinner for everyone including Chaeyoung. She can't just denied the invitation so she joined them.

A long table with different kinds of dishes welcomed her as she went to a specific room. Prince Jungkook immediately welcomed her with a flash of smile.

Hoseok move out a seat for her now six intimidating eyes were on her and she's trying so hard not to looked uneasy.

"I'm glad you join us Chaeyoung-ssi"
Prince Jin said which she returned a nodd and smile.

Beside her is Jungkook who's enjoying a lot with his food. Infront of her is Taehyung who's been stabbing her with his sharp eyes ever since she came. While on her right side is an empty seat. where is he? she thought.

Chaeyoung shaked her head and start touching the food on her plate. Why I am even thinking about him in the first place? she thought.

"Do they still hurt you Chaeyoung? If they are you have to tell us right away... I have Hoseok to watch you all day so let him know if anything happens and besides we swear to your sisters to protect you"

Chaeyoung was kind of moved by the prince word. He did even talk about my safety to her sister, the prince really care for his people, and shes one of those yeah?

The dinner went unexpectedly smooth with the prince around her. Though Chaeyoung can't stop herself from looking at the empty chair right beside her. Is this his seat?

Chaeyoung stood up as the others do so. Jungkook and Hoseok smiled at her as they were about to escort her back to her chamber.

But just when the three about to go, the door opened as a dashing prince entered the room.

This hair was wet and a little messy. How can this man look so awesome? Chaeyoung thought still can't process the visual he has.

"You're late! We're about to go"

Prince Jin said sending daggers with his eyes on the prince infront of them who don't really seem to care about anything he said at all.

"Then you should have wake me up yourself"

The irritation on his face was visible as he spoke those words. Prince Jin was even surprised at what he said. He was sure he told the servants to wake the devil up.

"Let's go Noona"

Jungkook called her with his normal bunny smile. Chaeyoung nodded and followed Jungkook. Unfortunately she was pulled back... Alright.

Chaeyoung felt his cold hand on her risk sending thousands of feelings all over her that she now find very normal... Yes.


She asked cant hide the bitterness in her voice which everyone noticed. He shouldn't have hold her it's just hard for her in any aspects.

Of course he's not going to answer and just do want he wants to do. Well at least that's what she know he is. Chaeyoung thought.

"She already ate Jimin, let Hoseok and Jungkook take her back to her chamber to rest"

Prince Jin said and looking at his younger cousin with annoyance. He surely is a devil for doing this to Chaeyoung. Prince Jin thought.

Chaeyoung almost slap herself as the next second she was already back to the dinner table they were earlier.
She looked back and found no one on the door.

Her eyes where in confusion and shocked as he look at the Prince beside her who's silently eating. What just happened?


"Don't ever eat with them if you still want to live at peace"

Chaeyoung's eyes blink many times cannot process everything. She calmed herself for a few seconds. What a life she has.

"You do realize how mean you are? I don't remember me doing bad on you"

Chaeyoung said as she stare at the man beside her whom she think she knew but she don't. Who is he again? And what are they again?

"I wasn't mean... You just expect so much from me"

Chaeyoung search for a word but end up closing her mouth... It hit her very well... He's right... She didn't even know why she thinks he's what she wants.

Staring at him the whole time Chaeyoung realized things... He actually don't stop her from looking at him. He saves her when in trouble. Snatch her away when someones around.

"I wanna be with Jungkook, your grace"

Chaeyoung said which the Prince returned with a look that can slice even through her bones. Silly enough, Chaeyoung grin at the sight of it.

"You should see your face... It could kill a clan"

Chaeyoung brighten up saying those in his face. Fine... I'll go for how far this journey could get... Chaeyoung thought.

Chaeyoung saw how that flamed him. She was ready. The Prince is in move to grab her by the risk again with force. But she caught his grip.

His eyes found hers and stayed just like that. Chaeyoung grin again at the sight of him.

"I was only joking... There's no need for roughness dear Prince".

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