Chapter 13

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Shifting her head up, she met a pair of eyes that sending different kinds of emotions in her chest.

He have a few cuts in his face and arms. He looked like his gone for a fight. His eyes as cold as the snow dropping in their skin.

"W-who are y-you?"

Chaeyoung lips trembled as fear grows in her body. She hugged herself while her tears flowing rivers down her cheeks.

"D-don't hurt me... P-Please..."

She begged. She still want to live and see her sisters. It's not the way of dying she thought.

Chaeyoung once again look up to the man infront of her. This time she was able to stare at him. Slowly she felt herself calming down as she stare with those mesmerising eyes.

Cutting their distance, the man went to her. Chaeyoung watch as he squat down to level with her. His face now only a few inch away from her.

She could barely breathe. His face is perfect up close. So perfect that even of how much he look so scary.

"Don't hurt me"

She repeated this time clearer that earlier. It's almost that she knew this person won't harm her at all.

Just then he lift her up in the smoothest way she ever felt her entire life. Feeling the warmth on the man's body, Chaeyoung now felt all the tiredness and the urge to sleep.

"Who are you?"

She asked with her soft voice. She couldn't help but stare at this man who's carrying her like a Princess.

Her eyes wanted to close so bad but she want to here him answering. He didn't respond tough.

Giving of on hearing his answer Chaeyoung let herself drown in to her sleep. She's tired and hurt.


They froze as the snow touches their skin. Lisa looked up and found that she isn't dreaming.

"He's back..."

Taehyung's word woke them up from their deep thoughts. Hoseok gasp as he realise what he mean.

"Hurry get inside. We might catch a cold." Prince Jin said and look at the three sisters who's clueless of everything.

"Come with us..."

They didn't have a choice but to also follow the Prince and the other five men inside the castle.

Jungkook is carried by Namjoon and Yoongi. The young prince is still unconscious.

They placed him on his bed. Now they are facing each other inside the Prince room.

"It's really snowing unnie..." Lisa mumbled still her mind in the snow falling outside.

"What happened to him? Is this some kind of joke to stop us?" Jennie snorted.

"Our Prince is not joking... He's a dreamer. And the war between us is done."

Jisoo frowned at the crowned Prince sentence. Their done? But their sister is still not back.

"This can't be done without my sister in my hands"

Prince Jin looked at her in amazement. She really wanted their sister back and is willing to fight him no matter who they are.

"Your sister is in the hands of someone she belongs into. There is nothing more you can do"

Prince Taehyung said with his serious tone. Indeed, the girl is now out of their hands but to someone.

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