Chapter 17

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The dark blue sky slowly fades as the bright sun makes it's way. It was like the snow never happens. Chaeyoung groan as she felt the hot sunlight hit her face. She blink a few times to clear her blurry vision.

She must have been in a deep sleep for her to feel so light today. Her body feels better. She stretched her arms feeling all too good.

She found her self to the same room the prince took her in. She can't remember how she end up sleeping while waiting for him.

She glance beside her and found it empty. Didn't he say he'll come back? Well... She actually believe in him not even sure why.

Just then the door opened and a few woman in same clothes come in with stuffs on their hands.

"Lady Chaeyoung... Your bath is ready"

She was dumbfounded by them. They went to her and guide her out of the room. She was hesitant but then give in. Why are they treating her like this anyways?

After taking a bath they presented her to many different kind of clothes. They were all pretty and shouts richness. Is this all for her?

"We will let you choose for your own liking, Lady Chaeyoung"

Her eyes widen. So all of this is for her? What did she really do to deserve this kind of treatment from Handrollin?

It took Chaeyoung two hours to prepare because she keep saying no to their service. She feel so uncomfortable with them.

Just then she found out that they will give her a ride to the campus. She didn't like the thought of it and insist to just walk al the way there. They let her walk though but with a group of royal guards all around her.

What would others say if they saw her with them? They'll surely send death glares at her. She doesn't want another trouble. She's tired of it.

Just when she was thinking of running away and escaping from the royal guards Prince Jungkook showed up.


Jungkook rushed to the stunning girl a few meters away from him. His face brighten even more to see her today. He really missed her.

Chaeyoung prepared herself for the Prince weight as he look like he's about to give her a bear hug. A yelp of laugh escaped her lips as the Prince embraced her.

"I missed you noona..."

Her smile faded at how sad his voice sounds like. With her tiny arms she wrapped them unto his back caressing it like he is a baby crying to her big momma.

"I should have known they'll treat you bad once we're gone... I'm so sorry"

Chaeyoung don't understand why she feels so light when it's Jungkook. Even with the other Princesses she found a small space for them inside her.

They have awoken a sleeping part of her without her knowing. She didn't even know how the hell she end up coming in and out of their Castle like it's the most usual thing she do.

"Is this a Prince letting out his cry infront of a commoner?"

Jungkook sniffed. He didn't let go of the girl he love to call noona. He really don't care if anyone saw his vulnerability infront of a girl who don't have any position in this world.

"You are my noona. That exclude you from being a commoner. You can think of that as your title for now."

She noticed the change of his tone though for her it's still the same cute side of him. At that time she knew this Prince had already placed himself a deep spot in her heart.

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