Chapter 20

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The world that once ruled by legends now slowly rumble down. The people that were once under their sleeves now trying to get out of their roof.

For Five generation the Kingdom of Handrollin holds many people of this world as it is the most active Kingdom stands.

Handrollin is the house of the God of water and nature. The undying power passes to every single family that posses their blood.

The kingdom collides with the Goddess of Air adding strong power to the kingdom. Making them the scariest clan of all realm.

Power makes them greedy. A fight within the family grows leading the third generation of the royal family vanished in the world.

The Kingdom fall on to the wrong hands. The dark realms made it's way to the light. Werewolves, Vampires and the only living Demon who escaped the end of their bloodline... The reason for what happened to them remains blank...

Then the golden book of Prophecy shows an essential part of the future. The real heiressess comes back to fulfil the inevitable that leads to where all of them are now.

Standing far away from Handrollin is another Kingdom that stands alone. Located at the very top is another house of a Powerful God. The Castle called 'Cristellenious'

It's said that the Castle is far older than Handrollin. With only a small number of people under the massive Castle the power it holds is bolder than they have imagined.

The difference between them could be distinguished in many obvious ways. Handrollin has a great possessions towards golds thats all over their Kindom. While Cristellenious goes for eyes blinding shines of crystals and rarest gems.

Crirstellenians are normally blonde and has a cold body temperature for they posses the power of Ice. While Handrollians blend well with the people in their world.

The power between the two kingdom is unmeasured. People concluded that Handrollians is the the winning side. But it changes... Unknowingly Cristellenious had become the house of the undefeated God who possessed the power of Ice.

The very Person in the prophecy made it true that Cristellenious is above everyone. The Greatest Queen of Cristellenious.

Born with both blood of the strongest Kingdom this world has. As her foot stepped again in this world... The  story began.

The world's ruthless Queen who shredded the blood of her own family. Making anyone who could dethrone her vanished in a blink.

Along side with her siblings who ruled over the Handrollin they run the world. They are undefeatable... Specially for the fact that they collided with their worlds scariest dark realms...

"You really think you could just throw us out?"

Yoongi sarcastically said facing the head master of their school who's protesting for their absolute absence in the campus.

"Entacy is cutting ties with the Kingdom of Handrollin for good. Your actions are harming the students of this long running school!"

As Handrollin's legal spokesperson and representative Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok do the work of negotiation that comes from the orders of their highnesses.

"You do know by doing this the Princesses might have the motivation to-

"Is that a threat Namjoon?! You speak as if this school values nothing! What? you're going to crash this building down? Did you forget how your ancestors made great distribution to this school?!"

"Don't cut our words! And we don't forget about it that's why we want to stay here! It's you who's disrespecting our ancestors!" Hoseok retorted back.

The brothers stormed out of the office room of the school's head master. Their faces shows burning anger as they march without looking at the students who's watching them.

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