Chapter 29

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Inside the castle Chaeyoung and her sisters are waiting for their oldest sister to wake up. Jisoo has been resting ever since what happened in the school.

"She's fine she just need more time to rest"

The castles healer said before he leave the three worried girls inside the room.

Then the door opens loudly making the girl jump in surprise. The face of worried Jungkook entered the room.

The prince eyes quickly found the eyes he missed for a while. He sighed in relief as he found her sound and well.


Chaeyoung called him. By the way he looks Chaeyoung knows the prince probably ran in hurry as he's sweat s are all over his face.

"Noona, how's Jisoo noona? Was she hurt badly? I'm sorry we're not there"

Jungkook went to Chaeyoung for a hug and look at the beauty laying on the bed resting.

"She just have to rest for awhile and please don't be sorry no one wants this for her"

Jungkook sighed and nodded at her noona. He was so worried when he heard from his highness what happened to the girls and his Hoseok hyung.

"Let's go she might wake up if we talk here" Jennie said and leave with the rest behind her.

Chaeyoung sense the two secretly look at each other and decided she should get Jennie away so the two snitch be free.

"Don't think I don't know why you take me away Chaeng"

Jennie said raising a brow to her younger sister whom she missed a lot. The little time they spend together is not enough.

Chaeyoung smiled at her unnie and took her hand. She used to be so clingy with Jennie ever since.

Jennie sighed and pulled her sister for a tight hug. Everyday she wonders if Chaeyoung eats on time and sleeps well at night.

Chaeyoung is very special for them as she's so much different in many ways. Chaeyoung may be dangerous but also the softest of them all.

"Have you been well here? Are they treating you well?"

If Jennie find out that their sister is treated badly in here she'll not think twice to revenge her sister.

"I'm treated fine here unnie and besides their are not around all the time. You don't have to worry"

The two spend the rest of the time in the garden talking and star gazing like how they usually do before.

"A war is coming right?"

Jennie asked as she's staring at the moon that has been getting darker as days pass.

Chaeyoung glanced at her sister with her head on Jennie's shoulder. She rember Jungkook's dream about the future.

"I knew something is coming Chaeyoung... You don't have to hide it from us..."

"What's gonna happen to us?"

Chaeyoung mumbled as she imagine the war coming. Would everything be the same after? Or they'll be no after at all?

"All I know is that your not losing a war without a fight"

Jennie said as she cares her sisters face. She's also scared inside but she can't show it or else it will only make Chaeyoung worry.

"It's pretty late I should go back to our sister before she wakes up. You have to sleep too."

Chaeyoung agreed and watch her sister slowly waking away from her. She look up at the sky again.

"Wicked World... "

Jennie walk through the long hallway to go back where Jisoo is. Her steps are slow and tired. It's like every steps she's carrying a big baggage within her.

Just then she felt her lower back in pain. She reached for it under her shirt. She laughed at herself as she found herself bleeding.

She then remember her back got hit when she was helping Jisoo from the monsters earliee. Her mind was occupied to even remember herself.

She took a long break and decided not to mind it specially that Lisa might see it and worry.

She took a step again and look infront only to find the very eyes she haven't seen for a while. Those red burning eyes.

He took a step forward and she did backwards. His eyes landed on the blood stain on her hands. Jennie saw it and panicked.

"S-stop right there!"

It's almost a whisper yet he heard it even in their distance. She's already weak from the tiredness and her cut.

Seing her like that waken him. His chest drum and run to her as she's about to fall.

Jennie taught her head would hit the ground but found herself lifted by him. Why do I always end up in his arms all the time? She taught.

"Did you know how far I've traveled because of you?!"

Taehyung hissed and kick the door of his chamber. He put her on his huge bed. Jennie felt the soft mattress.

"I don't remember myself called you"

She retorted with her weak voice. It's the truth she never told Hoseok or his highness to call this blood sucker.

"Yeah but your blood did! Damn it!"

Jennie chuckled. So that's why he's here? He smelled her blood again?
That far? Is that really possible..

"Sorry but it's not my fault curse your sense for it"

Taehyung stared at her with threat but she just laugh it off. This woman is really a pain in his ass. He taught.

"How did you get that?"

He asked diverting the moment as he know he'll lose to this stubborn woman in his bed laughed with a serious wound in her back.

"Black shadows did... Didn't Prince Jin and Hoseok told you? Jungkook was here when he heard it"

Jennie said and her brow frowned as the prince didn't reply for a while, it was a total silence.

She looked at him and there she found him with his dark aura on. Eyes grieving in anger. Is he turning on again?!


She called him. He didn't reponce for a moment. She waited for him to look at her. When he did she sit up to face him.

"Go back your wound will hurt, I'll just call the healer"

He was about to stand and leave when she grabbed him by the risk. Taehyung look at her warm hand on his risk.

"Stay... "

Taehyung looked at her asking and still processing her touch to him. Like his world stopped for a moment. Jennie noticed it and remove her hands and lay back.

"I'm tired I want to sleep. This wound would heal anyways don't call the healer. I don't want my sisters to worry about me too."

She said and turn around. Her heart betrayed her for a while and she doesn't know how to feel about it.

Jennie bit her lower lip and closed her eyes in irritation for herself and her own actions.

Just then she felt the bed moved. She heard him breathing just behind her which makes it harder for her.

Her heart skipped as she felt his warm hand on her back where her wound is located.

"Sleep... I'll stay"

Two Wicked Worlds Collide (TWC#3) BTSXBLACKPINK. Where stories live. Discover now