Chapter 15

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Namjoon and Hoseok lead the three girls in a huge room where they can all fit. It's actually designed by the crowned Prince likings.

Everything is well prepared for them as if it's made in advance. The room consist of four huge soft and comfortable bed.

"This will be your room here in Handrollin... I hope you like this" Hoseok made a friendly smile to the three confuse sisters.

"The crowned Prince also provide a separate room for each of you in case you'd prefer it" Namjoon said.

"He did? Why?" Jisoo asked. Did the Prince think of them staying here inside the castle? She thought.

"It's the least thing we could do for all the troubles that we cause your sister. The castle will open it's gate wide and free for you"

The two wish them a goodnight before leaving the three of them in the room.

Yoongi collected and ordered a few royal guard to stay with the three sister's room. And also accompany them when they roam around.

"Stay with them all the time. Let them tour around and keep a close eye on them. They are our special guests"

Yoongi told them before going to his brothers direction who just left the room they prepare for Chaeyoung's sisters.

"I really can't help but find Jisoo-ssi so pretty. Don't you think so too?" Hoseok mumbled. Namjoon behind him.

Namjoon agreed to his brother as he also find the girl's beauty is undeniably amazing.

"Well I think all four of them possess great features and unique kind of beauty." Namjoon said.

Yoongi stayed silent behind them though he agreed to the two in his head.

Just then Prince Jungkook showed up with a few guards behind him. His face is bright and can't deny the excitement.

"Hyungs! Jin hyung called out for the three of you for a meeting. Hurry!" Jungkook said and push them off.

"Your not coming with us?" Hoseok asked confused why their maknae pushing them like his not coming along.

"No. Taehyung hyung said I should not join or my dreams might get affected with all the emotions I've gathered today." Jungkook smiled assuring the three that he'll be fine.

The three nodded for they think that Prince Taehyung has a point. They find out that Jungkook's dreams credibility is affected by his emotions.

Sometimes when his sad and feeling all too bad his dreams somewhat turn as a false information that's why they can't just rely on it.

The three of them went their way to the meeting room they have inside the castle where they discuss everything matters.

Jungkook watch as his hyungs figure vanished in his sight. He grin ear to ear and clasp his hand.

He turn around and his eyes landed on the huge door a few meters away from him. He get all too excited again.

He went there and knock. After three knock he impatiently went inside. His eyes roam around and found the three sister startled for his sudden appearance. He smiled widely at their reaction.


The three don't know how to react for the Prince. He looks so cheerful and bright waving his hand beside his face.

Jisoo and Jennie look at each other. Having the same thought they find the prince's action confusing but undeniably adorable.

While Lisa from the corner watch the innocent Prince smiling brighter than a sun. Those smile could melt even the mighty castle of ice.

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