Chapter 9

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"W-water p-please..." Chaeyoung speak with her eyes close. She could feel her dry throat.

Slowly she tried to open her eyes and saw blurred vision around her. She blink a few more times to clear her visions.

Then she found herself in an all too unfamiliar room. Just when she's about to move the huge door ahead of her burst open with a man holding a glass of water.

Jungkook rush to her and give the glass of water to the confused girl. Chaeyoung received the glass with a questioning look.

Immediately she drink it and felt her throat better this time. She looked up to the boy beside her whose sweating really bad.

"Prince Jungkook? Why am I here?"

The prince's eyes widen as he realised that the girl probably forgotten what happened when she passed out.

"Y-you passed out while we we're talking in Cristelenious, I brought you here in the castle back... You've been sleeping for three days"

Just then a flashback of what happened come through her head. She's been lying here for three days? That long?

"Your sister Lisa went here looking for you and we couldn't hide you so we told her what happened... She said she'd tell your other sisters"

That somehow send her a sense of relief. Knowing their unnies are sensitive when it comes to her and Lisa.

"My healing ability didn't work to you so we waited till you get better... I'm sorry noona I shouldn't have brought you there... I've caused you harm"

The young prince look down the floor. Chaeyoung sees the sincerity in his eyes which melted her heart. How come this prince be this guilty over a person like her?

Chaeyoung felt a sense of responsibility towards the young prince which she just can't understand why. Why do I feel like caring for this prince? She thought.

"Look up here Jungkook" She spoke and waited for him to meet her eyes.

She smiled when he captured her eyes. The Prince looks really good and cute. She actually admire his perfect features.

"You don't have to be sorry besides I'm alright you see? If it's not for you I won't understand everything"

Jungkook pouted and the next thing he did surprised Chaeyoung. He went in to hug her and cry on her.

"Don't do it again noona! You scared me to death! I thought I've ruin everything!" Jungkook whined like a child.

Chaeyoung don't know whether to laugh or cry to what this prince is showing her. How can a prince act like this? Isn't he afraid to show he's vulnerability towards her?

"Don't you realise what you are doing youngest Prince Handrollin? Don't you think I might use this vulnerability of yours for something bad?"

Jungkook pulled away a little to see her face. He pouted. Yes he is showing a weak spot of him and so what?

"I know you won't... And besides if you forgot you're my noona now. It's your responsibility to take care of me hmp!"

As she was about to speak the huge door burst open again. This time the four faces of man entered the room.

"You are awake" Namjoon smiled at her. In her defense Chaeyoung expression changed cold as dead.

"I see where Lisa get the attitude" Yoongi snorted while his arms crossed in his chest.

Chaeyoung's head tilted. Lisa probably did something impolite towards them... For sure.

"Jungkook what are you doing there?!" Hoseok in shocked as he saw that their young Prince is actually hugging the girl.

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