Chapter 18

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Blinking for a couple of times her blurry vision finally cleared up. She frowned as she found herself into a room she's not supposed to be.

Jennie tiredly push herself up to sit on the huge bed she is laying on. Her body feels so drained and tired like she work out for the whole day.

She tried to do a stretch and immediately regret it as she felt pain to her shoulders up to her neck. Her hands reach to support her neck but then she felt something into it.

It's like a part of her skin is open. When she look at her palm she saw a stain of blood. Her eyes were in horror as she recalled what happened.

Her lips trembled and her nerves hyped as she remember his face. He had sharp unsual size of fangs and his eyes turned burning red. He bit her!

"You're awake"

Her heart drummed as she heard that voice. She shaked as she saw him coming near. She's afraid. The more he get closer the harder she is able to breathe.

"P-please..." She begged with a very low tone of hers with almost to air to breathe.

Taehyung stopped at the sight of her having a hard time to breathe. His face soften as he saw how scared she is right now.

With his hand raise a soft force of air comes into her making her to breathe better. She inhaled it and not long after her breathing stabilised.

Taehyung look the chance to capture her with his arms. Her scent were so strong for him. She didn't know how much he is controlling himself not to hurt her again.

She yelp at their sudden contact. Her cat eyes met his foxy eyes. He's beyond gorgeous and she admitted that. His eyes were hypnotising.

"What are you..."

Her voice calmed his boiling blood inside. He blinked at how fast she had waken him back to his sense. He's almost in the verge of taking her blood again if she did not speak.

"I bit you and sucked your precious blood... You do know what I am"

Jennie gulped. She's in the hands of a vampire who could tear her apart in just a matter of seconds! How come she get in this situation?

He had lifted her chin up enabling her to meet his captivating eyes once more. This time they were softer and lighter. She didn't know why but her heart relaxed.

His embrace were warm and comforting. Knowing what he is should be making her run for her life now but she didn't instead she stared at him.

"Your so pale"

Taehyung frowned at how she look like right now. He didn't thought he'd took to much of her. Now he's pissed of his own stupidity.

"You just took a big amount of my blood and now you're saying I'm pale? Please have your head clean up Prince Taehyung, I'm afraid your brain is leaving your head"

Her mockering words and tone stunned him. She went away and eventually leave him inside his room. Did she just insult him after finding out who he is? Damn that seductive gorgeous woman.


"You're not coming?" Namjoon asked her who's left behind. She didn't move an inch after her sister left with his brothers.

"I'm not"

Jisoo answered not looking up to the tall man beside her. Lisa told her that she'll handle it alone and she didn't need to come along.

Namjoon is a little confused why she choose to stay behind when she could join her sister. But then he shut his mouth and didn't dare to meddle with the girl's thought anymore.

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