Chapter 31

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"Jimin... "

He was there crumpled like paper. His arms hugging his body. His breath sounds like a music to her ears. He looked so innocent at that moment.

She took a step and squat down to level him. His eyes are close and his forehead is sweating badly.

Chaeyoung didn't know where her courage came from when she starts to approach him. Her hands found it's way to touch his hands.

"Hey... Jimin?"

Chaeyoung felt him shivers as their skin touches. Is he in pain? What is he doing here? The room is so cold, was he warming himself?

"G-get out of h-here... "

Chaeyoung's brow frowned. How could she leave him here looking like this?

"What are you doing here?"

Chaehoung asks as she wiped his sweats from his face. He's so pale and out of life. That time all she wanna do is to stay with him.

"I said ge-

"Yes I heard now shut up, you know I won't"

Chaeyoung stubbornly said and went right beside him. The coldness fades right away as she sat beside him. The room is covered in ice yet this cabinet stays warm.

It was dark inside and Chaeyoung can't even see her shadow. She could only see half of his face for the door is not totally close.

Chaeyoung reach for his forehead and almost jump when he felt it burning hot. That is definitely not a normal fever!

"Hey! You are burning Jimin! What is happening to you?!"

Chaeyoung shaked the prince enduring his body's temperature. She's worried and don't know how to help him.

His eyes were closed and doesn't really mind her presence beside him. This prince surely know nothing but to avoid her.

Chaeyoung sighed... How could she be close to someone so distant. She lean her head on the wooden cabinet and stared at the glimpse of light inside.

She felt her chest getting heavier as seconds pass... She suddenly felt a little upset about something she just couldn't accept.

Her brow frowned and closed her eyes in defeat...

"What took you so long... "

She mumbled and almost impossible to hear. She didn't even realize that she spoke it out of ther mouth.

"We're you waiting?"

His soft and low tone snap her out of her bubbled mind. Her head slowly turn to his side. There she found her looking at her intently.

She couldn't answer at all. She wants to pinch herself for speaking it out of her mouth. What was I thinking?! She thought.

"It's cold... "

He whispered as he hugged himself tighter. Chaeyoung frowned at his action.

"Aren't you the one who freeze the whole room? You liked it cold right?"

She asked confused.

"You were so distracted about something and didn't even notice what's happening to me"

That moment her eyes found his skin having this dark colors and his eyes were changing from normal to gray.

Chaeyoung's eyes widen and couldn't even move a bit. She does not know how to react to this.

"Jimin... "

She called his name almost out of breath. She can see how he is fighting to not turn into what he is about to be.

"Run while I still can fight it"

He's staring at her as he said that but she didn't flinch a bit. Instead she remained in her place and stare back at him.

They were both filled with silence and only their heavy breathing can be heard.

She knows he's in so much pain fighting and that he is doing it for her. She put on a smile.

"Don't... Don't fight it... I'll be fine"

A tear fall from his eyes from the pain and tiredness. Her heart ache as she saw it. That moment she saw how pure he is.

As Chaeyoung felt the coldness drop into a warmer atmosphere she knew there is no more time to run.

Her body shivers as soon as she meet him eye to eye. His eye were so dark and his skin covered in black veins.

"I should have killed you that night... "

Chaeyoung won't forget that night... The night she taught she's about to die. She was tied into a huge tree  abducted by the black shadows.

She couldn't scream and yell for help but then there's a boy who came. Eyes were dark and skin was tainted with black. She was sure he's there to eat her heart out.

But then she found herself carried by him out from the forest of death...

"Demon or not you know you can't and you won't"

The demon tilted his head and look at her amused. The blood running from the lady's veins is driving him crazy.

"Hey... I know you're there. Don't hide behind your demon side... Demon or not it's still you"

Chaeyoung once read about demons and there nature. It says that they eventually be as one when they his body learns to control the demon.

But based on how the prince doesn't want his other half to show means he can't contain him yet.

"He's not awake... Your savior can't save you this time"

Chaeyoung shaked her head in disagree. Her arms reach for his cheek and smiled as he did not move away.

"Wake him for me..."

Chaeyoung felt his body temperature increases. The books describes demons as creatures of all bad and is made ugly for they have nerve racking features.

She now thinks that the book written by early people are just being bias because of their fear for demons. Could have been the reason why they kill their clan.

The Demon stared at her for a minute and suddenly fell asleep. She was careful enough to catch his head and put it on her shoulder.

She took a heavy breath as she's sure this man will not hurt her at all. Chaeyoung saw his skin turning normal again and his body's temperature going down.

Chaeyoung was about to leave and call the guards or Hoseok to help her get the prince on the bed when he moved.

"Stay... "

His voice is low and out of breath. Chaeyoung look at him and there she found him looking at her.

"I'll just call someone to help you get on the bed... I'll be back"

Just when she's about to get off ghe cabinet he's cold hands pulled her making her land on his chest.

"This is what I need... "

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