Chapter 23

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Waking up from a soft fabric of the bed that now hers Chaeyoung pouted in amusement as she still can't process everything that's happening in her horrible life.

The bed is triple the size of her own bed at home. She don't remember coming here last night as she fall sleep watching him read thick books the whole night.

She look at the space beside her and found none of his traces. She sighed and think about what she just found out last night.

She have never expected anything like this to happen to her. Of all people here in this world why her? Fate must have been playing with her seriously.

Chaeyoung get off of the bed with her bare feet. Her foot wonder around the spacious room with only a few things around.

Nothing seems to be interesting like the owner didn't really live here at all. She sighed and just went back to bed and sit there.

"How am I suppose to live now? Haist!"

Chaeyoung talked to herself annoyed about it she don't even know she'll accept that or what to call herself.

"Lady Chaeyoung, Your bath is ready. This way your grace"

Chaeyoung's eyes widen at how they address her. She hesitantly stood up and let them lead her to wherever.

"The Second Prince has important things to do with the Crowned Prince. We're here to be at your service Lady Chaeyoung."

The head servant said and bow followed by the others behind her. Chaeyoung could only stood dumbfounded by everything.

"How about my sisters where are they? Can I meet them?"

She asked really as she really needs to see them right now and explain everything to them. She's afraid that they'll have to part ways for this situation she's in.

"They are in their own Chambers, Your grace... Except for your oldest sister who's joining the meeting with the Princesses."

Chaeyoung's head tilted by the information. Why would jisoo join the Princesses meeting? Is she in trouble or something?

She sighed as she thinks the Princesses might have included her to discuss her situation right now since obviously Jisoo is her legal guardian.

"I'll go with my sisters"

She said and they obeyed her right away by leading her to the direction where her other sister is currently staying.

As they told her that they reach her sister's chamber she hurried went in and found them inside dressed the same way she is right now.

She felt the comfort in her heart as soon as she saw them. The two stopped from taking as she came in and run to them.

Jennie and Lisa spread their arms wide for Chaeyoung who's about to burst. They went for a tight hug and felt each others warm.

"Are you alright? What happened? Where did they take you?"

Jennie's worried questions. They don't know why she didn't show up last night as is actually patiently waiting for her.

"I'm fine j-just... After yesterday I don't wanna be away from all of you!"

Lisa's brow frowned at her Chaeyoung unnie's word but still caress her back to calm her down. Just like that she knew something is up.

"Shh no one can separate us not even this Castle and the Royal family... God were so worried"

Jennie pulled her younger sister who's looking like a princess in her dress. Chaeyoung rarely shows signs of weakness and this behaviour of her right now means something.

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