Chapter 14

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"Move away woman"

Chaeyoung pulled away from him. She's so happy to meet his savior and didn't even think about before hugging him.

She flashed a smile in his blank and dark face. By now she knew this man don't show any expression but only that.

"I thought you're dead? I should have asked Prince Jungkook!"

She blabbered. Jimin's brow frowned. She knew his cousin? How did she knew him?

Chaeyoung noticed the change of expression in his face. She smiled innocently. Well at least he could show other expression.

"Yes I knew them. The Princesses and that three chicken head ruined my peaceful life... Now I get all of this"

Chaeyoung's smile faded as she look at her body that lost it's beauty with those bruises and wounds all over her.

His face darken. Looking at her damaged body a boiling sensation grow inside of him.

He walked away and didn't bother looking back at the woman who's calling him.

Chaeyoung behind him follow him where he is going. They went out of the house. She managed to keep up with his big steps even with a little sore knee.

"Hey! Where are you going? Uhm Prince?"

Chaeyoung half shouted behind him. The lad didn't spare a glance at her and continue walking else where.

She still didn't get his name. But then of course he's a prince so she'll just call him like that.

After a long long walk Chaeyoung find their selves heading to the castle. Her eyes widen and hurry stop the Prince.

"We can't get in there!" She panicked and block the Prince with her body.

Jimin shot sharp eyes on her. He took a step but she again block him. This time he drag her with his tight grip.

Chaeyoung almost felt herself falling every single step if not for his tight grip on her risk.

When they reach the Castle's gate the royal guards who's outside quickly block them from entering.

"Lady Chaeyoung, we can only let you in alone"

The guard said as he don't recognise the man who's holding their Lady Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung is confuse of what's happening. Don't they knew the Prince? Or is he really the Prince?

With that thought Chaeyoung forcefully pulled back her risk from him. Has she been lied on?

"Who are you?!" This time she asked with a stern voice. Her facial expression change.

The guards heard her and was alarmed. Are their young lady in a hand of a dangerous man?

With that thought the guards didn't hesitate to point their daggers at the man.

Jimin could only give them his dark eyes. His boiling hot inside and now they are pointing their armors at him?

Inside the castle the Princesses, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and the three sisters in hot seat.

"Who she with?! Why can't you just tell us?!" Jisoo fired loosing her patience for these men.

"You don't really need to know" Namjoon answered and help Jungkook to get up.

Lisa sighed at their situation. They are only doing the same thing. Fighting and threatening each other when nothing really happens in the end.

She lean on to her older sisters and caress their back calming them down. She thinks that they are just wasting time confronting these men.

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