Chapter 5

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I was looking for my younger sisters for almost 10 minutes now and still haven't found even a shadow of them.

How could I find them in a huge castle like this? They shouldn't have wondered around in the first place.

I sighed and give up finding them to the taught that they might actually be there by now.

As I was silently walking back to the party I saw a man whos watching the people down stairs from up here.

His clothes really look so expensive even from the back. He's wearing a dark red tuxedo.

His hair is brown and on brush up.

He eventually feel that someone was watching him and slightly turn his head towards my direction.

I couldn't see his whole face but his side view already speaks that his a good looking man.

"You know it's rude watching someone from behind" He said still not turning around.

"Might as well turn around and I'll watch you the right way" I said and tilted my head.

I heard him chuckled.

A few seconds we moved slowly and turn to face me. My eyes then found a stunning young man who has a pair of captivating eyes.

His hands were in his pockets and his leaning on the wall.

A few strand of his hair is designed to let it down which adds attraction to his face.

"You know staring is also rude"

I smirked as I heard him say that... Then I guess he didn't have a slightest idea who I am.

"I couldn't help myself... Is it punishable?"

His playful smile twinkle in my eyes. How could a man be handsome like him? I guess tonight is destined for me to encounter handsome man.

If this man would say that he's a prince I'd gladly accept and believe that he is one.

"The name is?" He said and straighten up his posture.

I pouted. Maybe it's not a right time to tell him? I'm sure I won't he him again at all.

So I took a step back and smiled at him instead.

"I'll tell you if we happen to meet again" I said. Eventually he smiled back and nodded.

I went back to the party and find my sister. There they are talking to brainy brothers and with the crowned Prince.

Now they level up and now being friends with the Prince? How did we get in this anyways?

The cruel world is back to playing with us again. I don't know what to say anymore.

"Hey" with a low tone of my voice I called to get their attention.

Now they are all looking at me.

"Hyung this is Jennie their other sister" Namjoon said talking to the Prince who introduced himself as Jin.

Should I smile? I guess I should who am I by the way? No one.

I bowed down and plainly smile to the Prince.

"Yeah I see their sisters for real" The Prince said.

As I look at my sister I realised that Chaeng is missing. Where is that girl this time?

"Where's Chaeng?" I asked

"She probably went back home? She doesn't want to come anyways" Jisoo unnie said and send glares to the Three brothers.

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