Chapter 24

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Chaeyoung found out what happened earlier with her sister Jisoo and the Princesses. Jisoo didn't have a choice but to let her stay since that's what they all want.

"Are you going home? You will leave me?"

Chaeyoung asked as she looked at her oldest sister who's been sighing since earlier. The other two just watch in silence as they knew Jisoo's decision is to be obeyed.

"We're not leaving you Chaeng... But we can't just stay here... Besides we are in no position to. You are a part of them now unlike us"

Jisoo pulled her and made her sit beside her. She held her sister's hand and smile to assure her that this is the right thing to do.

"You'll visit me here don't you?"

Chaeyoung asked even if that's will never be fine for her. Even the thought of living with a different home feels hell for her.

"Of course... And we'll see each other every day at school"

Jisoo said and the two went closer to them. Jennie hugged her while Lisa caress her back gently.

"Lady Chaeyoung it's to go back to your Chamber"

A royal servant interrupted them. Jisoo nodded at her and told her not to worry to much about them.

"The crowned Prince is kind enough to let some guards to take us home... So stop worrying"



Jungkook showed up just when she's about to go back to the room she woke up this morning.

She looked at him and bring up a small smile. It's plain and Jungkook knows that she's not okay.

"You don't have to be so sad about it... I could look out for them if you can't relax about it... I'd make sure they'll be fine"

Jungkook said to comfort her. And it seems to work as she brighten up by his idea and offer. She'd want that.

"Now now stop being so sad... Besides I heard that Jin hyung actually offered your oldest something... She'll just have to think it through"

Chaeyoung frowned thinking of what kind of thing the Prince would offer to her oldest sister. Jisoo didn't say anything about it though.

"Or... If you really want them back here. There's one solution I could think of..."

Jungkook smiled at her in a playful way which makes her doubt if its helpful or if he's just messing with her since he's kind of a child.

"What about it?"

She asked with her stern voice. Jungkook smirked wider as he saw how she's interested about it. Might as well tell her.

"You can tell it to him... Say you'll want them to stay here for good... You know who"

"Are you serious?! I couldn't even talk to him properly! Aish go away Prince Jungkook!"

Chaeyoung pushed the Young Prince away whos laughing really loud at her. He made some weird faces first before leaving.

"Trust me Noona!"

Jungkook yelled from the very end of the hallway. Chaeyoung could only shook her head in disbelief of his behaviour.

She took a breath before entering the room. Her eyes instantly roam around the spacious bedroom but found no one inside. She opened the door again calling the royal servant.

"Do you know where he is?"

Chaeyoung asked her with hesitation. Why did she want to know anyways? Is she considering Jungkook's idea?

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