Chapter 11

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Hours had passed but still no shadow of Chaeyoung entered the door of their house. Where could she be?

"She's still not fuckin home!" Jisoo burst into anger and a few chattering of glass echoed to their living room.

Jennie flinched as she heard the loud noises. Looking at her oldest sister she could only sighed.

A few hours ago they declared a war from a royal family who posses strong powers and abilities. What is stated must be done.

Lisa had gathered all of Jennie's arrow in preparation. Jennie looked at her... Their youngest has her serious face expression.

"In an hour if Chaeyoung still not come back. We will aim for a strike" Lisa spoke the words like everything is easy.

Inside the castle the Princesses along with Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi is in chaos.

"You don't think they are really going for a war with us? Right?" Hoseok asked.

They are currently inside a room they discuss important matters. The six of them gather around.

"Have you seen the look in their eyes? They aren't joking" Prince Jin said and remembered the look Jisoo has given to them earlier.

"What happened to Chaeyoung at all?" Taehyung asked holding his arms that is wrapped with bandages. Jennie sure made a painful cut in him.

"I went to School earlier. I found out that right when we are gone, people did terrible things to her. Often seen her with bruises and bleeding cuts"

Jungkook's eyes were in horror as he comprehend what his Yoongi hyung is talking about.

"They hurt her?!"

Yoongi nodded in responce. Jungkook felt a burning emotions raise in him. How could they do that to her?!

"I've sent guards to find her. If they didn't then we might be facing her sisters wrath" Jin said.

"We'll surely. I went in their burning minds... They won't hesitate to fight us" Namjoon said as he hold his wounded forehead.

Jin sighed. They are already facing a problem but now they have to face another too.

The five of them turn their heads to Jungkook who suddenly went up. Their eyes glued to their youngest. What's in his head?

"I'll help finding Chaeyoung noona" Jungkook said and turn to Jin. Waiting for his hyung's approval.

"Sit back! Didn't you know that that girl almost throw an arrow at you?! Now you want to go out?" Taehyung raised a voice at the young Prince.

Jungkook flinched a little at the sudden raise of voice of his hyung. Looking at Taehyung his eyes were dark and serious. He is angry.

"Jungkook, going out will not help us in our problem... Your hyung is right you might get hurt for real this time" Hoseok lean to Jungkook.

He just want to help and find his noona. He didn't want a war to grow between them. But then he didn't realise that his hyung were worried for him.

Jungkook run off the room without a word. His hyung watch his figure going out of the room.

"He is becoming stubborn this past months..." Yoongi said and shook his head remembering how their youngest continue disobeying everything they say.

Near the forest a group of royal guards search the whole area around to look for Chaeyoung as their crowned Prince ordered them.

They have search around the campus but found none of the girls shadow. The students was also in shocked to see royal guards around.

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