Chapter 28

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Hours, days, weeks and month pass and Chaeyoung can only live her days with questions that needs answers she couldn't get.

An empty space inside of her starts growing bigger the longer she stays in the golden castle where they say she's safe in.

The very person who can ease her loneliness wasn't even around... It's almost a month since she last saw him.

"You okay unnie?"

Lisa asked worried for her older sister who seems to be spacing out a lot for the past days now.

Chaeyoung faint a smile and slowly shaked her head as she know she can never lie to Lisa as the girl know her very well.

"You know it may not be obvious but the demon can't really leave you for long... He's just somewhere... Around.. I feel it... "

"Does jungkook tell you anything about his dreams about me and him?"

Chaeyoung ask grasping for information she desperately wants to get for a long time.

"Not at all... And beside he can't always say what he sees or else he might interfere with it and cause it worst"

Chaeyoung sighed and lost her mood again. Lisa can only watch her sister going through those emotions she doesn't know how to approach.

"I have to go now unnie or Jisoo unnie might scold me again if I came home late"

Chaeyoung smiled and reach her little sister for a quick hug before sending her off. She really misses them.

Back to the golden castle Chaeyoung do what she usually do for the past months, Walking around the big castle, stole books, and count flowers in the garden.

Then another day pass, it's like her life was in expected cycle. She goes to school for a minimal lessons as she really doesn't fit in any.

The princesses doesn't show up that often though prince Jin didn't forget to tell her that they are just doing some business.

"All of them are on a mission so why are you in exception?"

Chaeyoung asked a little amused about Hoseok who's left with her the whole time the other royalty was no where around.

Hoseok pouted and put down the book he was reading the whole time oh except it was upside down.

"Well your highness, you see I'm currently on my mission assigned by his majesty and that's to accompany you"

Chaeyoung chuckle at the tone Hoseok gave her, the man knows how to have humor.

"You don't seem to enjoy accompanying me though"

She said and searched for another book in the shelves she was leaning on earlier.

"You are a boring person Chaeyoung how can I have fun with you?"

Hoseok said and raised a brow to her and now Chaeyoung can't help but to laugh at him. Well he's really is a better companion, she thought.

Just when she's about to say a word a loud bell rang around the campus. Her brow frowned, what's that for?

"Come don't go far from me"

Hoseok said now in a whole different tone which she understood and she went just behind him as they walk out of the campus library.

The students gathered everywhere confused by the rang of the bell. Chaeyoung found her sisters from a far.

As she's about to step by down to the stairs the sound of thunder almost cause her to stumble if it's not for Hoseok who's flexible enough to pull her back.

Her heart drummed at the sudden atmosphere she felt it coming, her hands shake in nervousness.

"What's the matter Chaeyoung?"

She couldn't answer Hoseoks questions and was left in blank. From a far Lisa with her unnies was confused about the sudden commotion going on.

Just then loud noises from outside feared everyone inside the school. Through the windows black like smokes flies around.

Students started to panick at what they saw as black shadows don't usually goes around like this.

"Come on Chaeyoung we have to go!"

Chaeyoung almost jump as she heard Hoseok shout her name. She didn't bother ask and just follow the man's order.

"Go get your sisters we have to leave the building now!"

Chaeyoung's a little nervous at how serious Hoseok look like right now. She then hurried and call her sisters whose confuse.

"Tell me what's going on Hoseok! Why are we running? Are they following us? The shadows?"

Chaeyoung half-shouted while they were all running like they are being chased by a monster.

"I don't have time to explain now okay? But we have to get to the castle right away!"


They stopped as Jisoo screamed. Jennie's eyes widen at the sight of her sister getting away from those shadows.

Hoseok run the distance and help Jisoo. The man now holding his armor.

"We're cornered!"

Lisa alarmed them. Hoseok look around finding how they can escape the trap but no it's a dead end.

"You can all fight yeah? I can't do this alone girls!"

Hoseok knows it doesn't matter if he die there but if the girls get even a single scratch he'd rot in hell for sure.

Lisa have her dagger out while Jennie in hand to hand with Jisoo who's a little weak for what happened. Hoseok position himself infront of Chaeyoung protecting her as he's told to do so.

The rain makes it harder for them to fight as it hinders their vision and movements and the fact that they are shadows and move really fast makes it impossible for them to escape.

"Where the hell is your royal guards!"

Jennie shouted as the shadows keep coming to them. What exactly do they want from them at all.

To be honest Hoseok don't know where his people goes and if he's going to think about it they're probably dead.


Chaeyoung hissed in pain as she felt her body pulled by the shadows. She resist the force but that only makes it worst.

Hoseok hurried to her way but was stopped when he was attacked by the shadows. On the other side Jennie and Jisoo was captured too.

Just then the sound of loud storm gets on through their nerves sending shivers all over their bodies. A lightning strikes where they are having them stop from their tracks.

Then there's the crowned prince striking lightning to each shadows. His eyes were like a wire where electricity flows.


Jennie kneeled as her sister collapsed beside her. She was quick enough to protect Jisoo's head not to touch the ground.

Prince Jin who saw it made big steps to get there but was stopped when Chaeyoung blocked him.

"Don't! You might hurt her"

She said as she point the prince hands that is still sparking in electricity which could effect bad to her wet sister.

The prince didn't listen and still took over. His hands did a gesture that made vines to help him carry the unconscious girl.

"Let's go home"

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