Chapter 26

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A faint voice from a very far away echoes to the whole place. it's as if the owner is about to break.

A beautiful girl with a porcelain skin and long dark hair has her knees on the ground as she stares at the view far ahead of her.

Her hair is blowing as the wind brushes her whole body... The side of her lips bleeding red.

Her nails dug deep in the ground as it turn to a fist. Her hazel eyes turn blood shot just when her tears stops from falling.

"I'll have you back"


Chaeyoung eye's opened just when her dreams is about to get deeper than it usually takes.

She sighed as it once again didn't get any further... it's always the same scenes though now it added a new part where the girl in her dreams spoke a short sentence.

What's even worse is that the face of it is not even clear. She's been having that same dream for a few months now.

She knew it's just her wild mind's work but sometimes she felt like it happens for real... like it's a memory.

Chaeyoung found guards outside of her chamber as she finished getting ready to attend school. Her mood brighten at the taught that she'll see her sisters at school.

"There you are at last!"

Hoseok's cheerful voice caught her. She relaxed as she found no one behind him or else she'll face another breath taking situation again.

"Were you waiting for me?" Chaeyoung asked and went closer to the stunning man a few steps away from her.

"Yes your majesty I've been here for the past hour" Hoseok answered in a good manner she appreciates very well unlike his other friends.

"I'm not your majesty and certainly not one of any" She said and pushed a laugh.

Hoseok's brow lifted and find the girl amusing. She doesn't know what she's saying and if she only knew she'll surely be shocked. Hoseok thought.

"Well maybe not yet... Come on now Chaeyoung!" He said and lead the way. Chaeyoung behind him can only shake her head and follow him with the gaurds around her.


With the absence of schools headmaster the students have nothing else to do but bring out all the gossips against the kingdom.

The scene from yesterday remains confusing for everyone. No one knows whose the man with the Princesses.

As The three Prince entered the Academy all eyes went to them following every single movement of them.

"We are not here to cause fear and start a war. We all want to protect this school as this is a part of our history. But our former headmaster ruled the other way around and see us the royalty as intruders"

"Yesterday was not meant to be a warning. Our people got hurt because of the wrong teaching the headmaster has given to all of you. And that has to be changed"

"I The crowned Prince and the rightful one on the throne of Handrollin swear to protect the people of this school and our world and not to declare a war against you"

The People clapped as Prince Jin finished his word and a tall tree grows  right behind him symbolising it as his promise.

Prince Taehyung and Jungkook using their powers to destroy all of the rules made by the former headmaster that keeping the students from learning and keeping the studies capabilities and freedom.

at the very edge of the celebrating crowd is three bodies who's watching the start of changes in the school that was a place of trash. A hope comes.

"We can't leave... Not anymore"

With her eyed glued to the Princesses who promised to protect this land she loved a lot Lisa couldn't be more happier to the thought that hope arrived.

"Yeah... We found them"

Jennie agreed and stared at the view Infront of them. People were celebrating as if a successful thing had  happened

"What's the plan?"

Jisoo asked as she turned to face her sisters who's actually now staring at her with the most unatural way. Her brows raised at the sight of her two younger sister.

"What's with that look?"

Jisoo asked and suddenly felt that something is not right and she'll surely will not like what idea is inside her insane siblings.

"You... You are the plan"


"What's with that smile? are you one of them who believe that we meant bad for the world?"

Hoseok asked her as he saw a relieved and genuine smile the girl he was ordered to accompany the whole day.

Chaeyoung watched as the three prince said their intentions for the school and students. It's just relieving to hear it.

"No... But I'm one of those who believes that great power are given for protection not for own ambitions"

Living in this world is a gift but hard as this world could be really cruel especially for someone like her.

"You speak as if you'll die for this cruel world"

A smile crept unto the side of lips as she heard Hoseok. Chaeyoung turned to face the young man.

"That phrase wouldn't fit me..."

Hoseok frowned at her in confusion. early she was all happy because of what's happening but now she speaks as if she's not in hope.

"Why would you say that? based on our investigation about you, you loves reading histories of world even join any project of protecting our nature and legacies"

Chaeyoung chuckled at his words. Indeed she enjoys reading history and join such activities.

"You've said it yourself... This world is cruel... So does the fate it gave me.

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