Chapter 21

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Standing by her bedroom's balcony is a man wearing all white. He's back is facing her. His hands were in his pockets looking like a gorgeous Majesty.

Her bedrooms temperature drop to coldness. With only a thin shirt she shivers at how cold her bedroom is right now. She hugged herself.

"How'd you know my place?" Her soft voice is shaking as she approached him.

She waited for a words from him but the lad didn't even took a glance of her. How rude... She pouted at his confusing attitude.

She haven't seen him for months. Unlike the other Prince he never attended the school. She was hoping she'll see him at least once but no.

"Prince Jimin, If you're just going to stand here in my balcony then just please leave. It's so cold so I need to close the sliding door and windows of my room"

Chaeyoung stunned as the Prince finally turned around to face her. His face glows even though the sky is all too dark. His sharp features once again took away her mind.

She didn't know what happened but he just suddenly stand right infront of her with only a step away. Her eyes widen in surprise. How did he?

"P-prince J-Jim-

Chaeyoung's body trembled as he speaks cutting her words off with his sharp mouth and stabbing eye.

"Shut it! Not my name"

She swallowed her saliva as if it's a rock that is stuck in her dry throat. His eyes were dark and cold. A lines formed in his forehead.

She frowned at the sight of him mad at her without any reason she could think of. Just then her hands unknowingly reach for his forehead caressing it with her two fingers like it's the most natural thing she ever done.

"Then how would you like me to address you, your Majesty"

Chaeyoung didn't let go of his sight in her eyes. How could someone be this breathtaking? It's so unfair... Why was he given so much of this?

"Hands off"

She sighed and took away her fingers on his tensed forehead. His words and tone were harsh and warning for a punishment.

"Alright then just please leave me alone... It's late and I'm sleepy"

She turned her back to him with her heart not in good condition. She thought he come to at least talk to her just like how she thought she'll see him when she wakes up that morning in Handrollin.

Just when she was about to get on to her bed a strong pair of arms snake around her causing her to gasp at the sudden contact of theie body that felt so abnormally good for her liking.

He forcefully spin her around and she instantly clung her hand arms around his neck for support afraid that she'll fell off.

"What's that?"

His eyes narrowed down to her bruised arm that her shirt didn't cover. His face darken at her bruised arm.

Chaeyoung could only sighed. When other students noticed the absence of royal guards around her they attacked her again. Maybe not so brutal like the  last time but enough to make her have these bruises.

"I believe that is not for your concern your majesty"

She said and take away her arms around his neck earning another dagging eye from him. Now this man is confusing her to the fullest.

"News flash, you're on top of my concern. So behave your ass well, little girl."

Her mind lost it all. He lift her up to place her on her warm and soft bed. Tucking her body with the comforter like he have done it many times before.

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