(Ch. 1) Don't sleep in

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-TW's- Self harm, abuse, blood

Hunter POV

Hunter woke up to a tug on his hair. 

"Flapjack!! I told you to stop pulling my hair." 

Flapjack just continued to peck and pull until he got out of bed. 

"Ok. Ok. I'm up. What time is it anyway..." Hunter said feeling a bit groggy. He glances at his clock and immediately started panicking. 


"Is this why you were pecking at me!!" He hurriedly grabbed his cloak and uniform, pulling them on as fast as he possibly could. 

Uncle is going to be so mad! How could I have slept in!! Im so dumb and useless!! He's gonna kill me for this! 

Hunter rushed out the door and ran right into Kikimora. 

"Where are you going so fast, Golden Guard...?"

"N-Nowhere... Ju-Just umm g-getting my duties done..." He tried to slip around her so that he could safely maybe get away with this but Kiki stepped in the way.

"The Emporer said he requests your presence in the throne room." 

He nodded feeling like a failure for even sleeping.

I should have been wide awake, I mean what if something had happened while I was asleep. Im so dumb. I forgot to set my freaking alarm again.

Hunter headed towards the throne room. He opened the door and stepped inside slowly. The Emporer was standing with his backed turned to him.

"You needed me Uncle?" Hunter said to Belos. Belos didn't look at him, he just kept his back turned. 

"Where we're you this morning Hunter." Belos said with a disapointing tone in his voice. Hunter kneeled down in front of him bowing his head. 

"I-I-I slept in b-by accident, U-Uncle... I-I-I promise i-it won't h-happen e-e-ever again." Belos turned to look at him with anger in his eyes.

"You know the time we wake up is 5. You've been such a disapointment lately. First the palismen. Then you brought me a broken key. Why have you been acting out of line lately! Why are you such a weak failure!!"

Hunter didn't move or flinch out of the way when Belos started. He was used to this. He deserved this. He felt Belos cut into his face, missing his eye by centimeters. Belos kept on hitting him and he started to feel blood flowing from his arms and face. He looked down and could see the cuts all across his arms, going over old scars and reopening the cuts from yesterday. It took all his will power not to cry, to not look weak.

"Leave Hunter. I can't stand looking at you any longer." 

Hunter stood up shaking and then he put his mask on to hide the blood from other people. 

I can't let anyone see me like this

He walked out of the throne room and headed back to his bedroom trying to act normal. Flapjack was waiting for him when he gets back. The bird chirped and gave him a concerning look.

"I-I-I'm F-Fine... I-I'm F-Fine!" He said in a shaky voice before breaking down in tears. Flapjack flew over to Hunter and snuggled him, trying desperately to make him feel better. He stood up and walked to the bathroom.


Hunter took off his mask and looked at the blood smeared all over his face. Then he rolled up his sleeves to look at his arms. 

I deserve this. Im always such a failure. A weakling. Useless. 

Hunter noticed his knife sitting on the counter. He picks it up and looked at his arms for a second before cutting over what Belos already did. 


Hunter repeated this in his head with every cut he made. The blood is flowing. He set the knife down after a couple of mintues doing this and then he searched under the counter for spare bandages. 

I can't let anyone see me like this

Was that good for a first chapter??? Most of these first couple chapters we're prewritten by me in a notebook so I should have another chapter soon. Also I know this first chapter is kinda cliche but I couldn't find out what to do for a first chapter. Next chapter has Darius father moments though so that should make up for it.

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