(Ch. 3) The Sky is Falling

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-TWs- Blood


"King! King! Slow down!! You're going too fast!!" Luz yelled at King who was running in front of her.

Man he is fast when he wants to be! Not what you expect from his short little legs.

"Never!! I will forever be king of speed!!" King responded smiling. Eda was standing off to the side leaning up against a tree looking at her Penstagram. 

"Hey, Eda!! Come play with me and King!!" Luz called out to her. Eda looked up and smiled. 

"Nah. I'm catching up on my Penstagram gossip, gotta see if there's anything I can use as blackmail." Eda answered looking back at her Penstagram. 

Typical Eda, always looking for leverage to use. 

As Luz and King were running around trying to catch each other a plate fell out of the sky and smashed to the ground in front of Luz. She skidded and tripped from the sudden shock of the plate coming out of nowhere.


Eda jumped up and King stopped running. They both ran over to Luz to see what had happened.


Eda was startled by Luz's scream and idmeadiantly went into harpy mode. 

"What is it!! What's happening!! I swear if anyone is hurting my child they will-"

"I'm ok Eda!! It just looks like the sky is falling!"

Eda and King rushed over to Luz and they saw the smashed plate on the ground. 

"Meh. Not the sky, looks more like a plate Luz." King exclaimed. Eda crouched down to look at the plate pieces all over the ground. 

"Its a human saying King." Luz anwsered. Eda examined the plate and food. The design of the plate looked fancy and as she turned one of the broken pieces over she saw the emporers coven sign on it. 

"This is one of the castle plates." Eda told Luz and King.

"Really? But why would someone throw it!" Luz said.

"Could be anyone really." Anwsered King.

"Well you two stay here and i'll fly aroud to find whoever threw this."

Hunter POV

After throwing the plate Hunter was feeling a bit down. If Belos found one of the plates missing and then found out he had throw one out a window he'd be punished for sure. 

I deserve the punishment though. I deserve all of it.

Hunter looked out into the forest and started crying. He took off his mask not wanting it to get messy. Flapjack flew over and perched on his shoulder to comfort the poor boy while he cried. He tried to wipe the tears away but they just kept coming. 

Uncle said that crying is weak.

Blood starts seeping through the bandages and it drips down Hunters face a bit. He doesn't bother to fix it or to grab new bandages. He just looked out the window wishing that he could escape the prison that life had become.


Eda had decided to fly around the to find out who threw the plate at them. 

Probably one of those stupid coven scouts.

Well Eda was going to get revenge on someone today for almost hurting her children. As she was flying she didn't see any suspects. 

Maybe they already went inside and I can't get to them. Darn it I really wanted and excuse to fight someone.

The Eda notices someone by one of the castle windows. She thinks she might have found the plate thrower. She flys into the trees to hide so she can sneak attack them. She then takes a look at the person in the window. 

The golden guard??

Eda looks closer and sees its in fact the golden guard. 

That little brat thinks its funny to throw plates at us? Well I'll show him...

Eda flys in closer getting ready to attack but then she stopped. She noticed something dripping down the boys face. She let out a small gasp realizing what it was.


(Sorry my uploading scedule is kinda bad between the group chat and this. I do chapters basicly whenever I feel like it so sometimes you could probably go a bit without a update but I promise i'll try to be better)

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