(Ch. 25) It's Called Love You Dummy

843 26 113

-TW- Suicide Attempt

Hunter POV

Hunter had made the decision. He'd made too many mistakes and Willow was the one to pay for them.  He stood up shaking walking out of the room and Flapjack followed him. 

"Tweet?" (Whatca doin?)  Hunter looked at the bird and sighed, knowing he would miss his best friend. 

"I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago." 

"Tweet? Tweet! TWEET!" (What? Wait! NO HUNTER STOP!) Flapjack immediately protested but Hunter ignored him and didn't stop. 

I already made the decision and there's no going back now. 

Hunter didn't respond and opened the door walking outside to the nearby cliff. Flapjack was chirping like mad but since Hunter clearly wasn't going to listen so Flapjack flew inside quickly trying to find someone who could stop him. Hunter stood at the edge of the cliff and took a deep breath. 

I guess this is it. 

Willow POV

Willow's head hurt and everything felt fuzzy. She couldn't make sense of where she was but she heard frantic chirping above her head and something pulling her hair. 

Uggghhhhh my head hurts... Wait chirping. Flapjack? 

Willow sat up quickly. 

"TWEET TWEET TWEET TWEET!" (Hunter! The cliff! HURRY!!)

Hunter and the cliff? Wait... Oh no, he isn't!

Willow stood up and ran outside immediately, trying to ignore the huge pain in her stomach. She saw Hunter standing at the edge of the cliff and she ran faster. 

"HUNTER!!" She was too late, he had already jumped. Willow felt doom and despair but she wouldn't give up so she jumped.  She started to use her plant magic and before Hunter or Willow could splash into the boiling sea a tree branch grew from the cliff and caught them both. Hunter looked up in confusion but Willow hugged him tightly. 

"Don't ever do that again!! I thought I had lost you!!" She cried as Flapjack landed on Hunter's shoulder. Hunter was still in shock at this whole situation and he glared at Flapjack. Willow hugged Hunter harder and he heisitantly hugged back. 

"Whats wrong Willow..." He asked feeling a bit awkward. Willow looked up at him with tears in her eyes. 

"Y-You just t-tried t-to k-kill y-yourself!!" Willow replied her voice cracking slightly. Hunter looked confused as Willow cried and he patted her on the back. 

"It was to keep you all safe from me. Every mistake I've made has gotten one of you hurt and its all my thought. Everyone would be better off without that. I-I-I mean y-you almost d-died b-because o-of... m-me." Willow grabbed Hunter and forced him to look into her eyes. 

"Hunter. Who's fault is it? Who's fault is it! IT'S BELOS' FAULT." 

"No its my fault, I already told you that. You got hurt while rescueing me." 

"NO!! You wern't the one who stabbed me it was Belos!!" 

"But that knife was meant for me..." 

"But did you stab me?" 

"No, I would never hurt you on purpose." 

"Therefore its not your fault I was stabbed." 


"Not Buts." Willow finished putting a finger to Hunter's lips to silence him.

"B-But! He stabbed you while you were rescueing me so its my fault!!" He protested but Willow grabbed his arms again. 

"NO! Not your fault! Its not your fault you were abused! Not your fault Kikimoron captured you! You wern't the one who stabbed me! ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! Are you listening to me!" 




Willow shut Hunter up with a kiss, she didn't know what else to do at that point. 

Hunter froze not knowing what to do but then he returned the kiss, still feeling confused and anxious. 

Suddenly Hooty came out of nowhere. 

"TIME TO PREPARE ANOTHER TUNNEL OF LOVE!!!" He hooted and it broke their concentration, ending the kiss. Hooty flew off or whatever he does. 

"What was that..." Hunter touched his lips like he was dreaming. Willow gave him another hug. 

Awww... He's cute when he's flustered...

"Its called love you dummy." Willow replied. 

"Why would you do that? Don't you hate me?" Hunter said returning her hug again. 

"Why would I hate you." Willow said with no question in her voice. 

"Well- I-" 

"Just listen to me, none of this is your fault. I would never hate you, infact I love you. Alot. Now do you feel better?" Willow asked him. 

"A little bit." He said smiling as Willow grabbed his hand. 

"Now. Promise me you will NEVER attempt this again."

Hunter looked heisitant but he promised. Willow looked at Hunter and held his hand smiling. 

"Everything is gonna be alright. I'll always be here for you, remember that." Willow said standing up and pulling Hunter with her. She used her magic to bring them back to the top of the cliff. 

Hooty was waiting for them at the top and he scooped up Willow and Hunter bringing them back inside the house and ploppling them on the couch together. 

"T-Thanks W-Willow..." 

"Its good. I just want you to know you will never be alone."  Willow gave him a little kiss on the cheek before Hunter started to fall asleep. Willows eyes were also starting to get heavy so she closed them for a second. 

Thats when they fell asleep on the couch cuddling eachother. 

One of my favorite chapters :)

Now one week of leaving you guys on this cliffhanger untill next Friday!!!! 

UPDATE: The next fanfic is "To The Stars And Back" which is the collector one!! Thank you all for voting! Once the Hunter fic is done I will start posting this new fanfic. Thank you again for supporting me!!

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