(Ch. 12) Shattered Expectations

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-TWs- Panic Attack, blood, abuse mentions

Hunter POV

Hunter was lying on the ground awake. Eda had said he could sleep on the couch but as soon as she had left he had moved to the ground. 

I don't deserve to sleep on the couch. I'm just a burden to everyone here. 

Hunter couldn't sleep out of habit and he was getting restless. Normally he would stay up studying Flapjack and wild magic but he didn't want Eda to yell at him or hurt him. He really wanted to move around a bit though. 

I could go for a glass of water... Then I could stretch my legs. I just can't let Eda catch me past curfew. 

Hunter slowly got up and went into the kitchen. It was sorta hard to see and walk because of his slight lip and blurry vision, but he had worked with worse before. He made it into the kitchen and silently went to the cabinets. He started opening them until he found the one with the glasses in it and pulled it out before filling it with water. The water had made the outside of the glass slippery and cold, and with Hunter's hands still healing and hurting he didn't have a very good grip on it. 

The glass slipped through his hand and shattered on the floor sending glass all over the place and making everything wet.

No! No no no no no no... I'm done for... Eda's gonna kill me... I'm dead, I'm dead...

Hunter began shaking with fear and he idmeadiantly knelt down and began picking up the shattered glass pieces as quickly as he could. He didn't care that it hurt, he deserved the pain. The glass was cutting into his knees and hands but he didn't care. He could feel the tears starting. 

No! Crying is weak!

Eda came running in and saw Hunter shaking uncontrollably on the floor with tears in his eyes. Hunter looked up with fear and went into a panic attack.

"Hunter! What happened!" He heard Eda say but all he heard was Belos. 

"Hunter! Why are you such a failure!"

Eda rushed over to him and Hunter braced for his punishment.

"You disappoint me, Hunter! I thought you were better than this!" Then the pain in his cheek and ear.

Instead of pain though he felt a gentle hand on his arm helping him stand up. 

"It's ok... Just breathe kid." Hunter looked up in confusion.

Why isn't she hurting me? I deserve pain...

Hunter still had fear in his eyes. 

"Whatever you're going to do to me, do it quick. I want to get it over with." Eda looked at Hunter with confusion and surprise. 

"Why would I hurt you?! All you did was accidentally drop a glass." Eda said while using magic to clean up the mess. She took Hunter's hand and inspected it. 

"You're bleeding kiddo. When you pick up glass you need to be more careful. Next time call me to help instead of doing it yourself." Hunter was extremely confused. 

Why is she being nice to me... Does she have a higher motive? Why help clean up, this is supposed to be when she yells right?

Eda saw the confused look in Hunter's eyes and smiled. 

"You need to understand that having help is ok kiddo. Now come on, lets get you back to bed." She escorted him back to the couch and Hunter laid back on the ground. 

Why is she being so nice to me? I expected them to hate me...

Hunter looked up at Eda and faked a smile.

"Thanks, Owl Lady."

"Call me Eda kid." 


Eda had always been a light sleeper so when she woke up to glass shattering she went to check it out. She walked into the kitchen which seemed to be the source of the noise and saw Hunter kneeling on the ground frantically picking up glass shards. 

What the titan?!!

"Hunter! What happened?!" Eda said. Hunter looked up and started shaking uncontrollably. His eyes were full of fear and pain. 

He looks like he's going through a panic attack. Poor kid. 

Eda saw him bracing for pain but she just helped him up from the floor. 

"It's ok... Just breathe kid..." Hunter looked up fearfully. 

"Whatever you're going to do to me, do it quick. I want to get it over with."

What the titan did they do to him in that dang castle?!! I'm going to beat them all up.

"Why would I hurt you? All you did was accidentally drop a glass." Eda said while using her magic to clean up the mess. Then she noticed blood dripping from Hunter's hands so she inspected them. 

"You're bleeding kiddo. When you pick up glass you need to be more careful. Next time call me to help instead of doing it yourself." Eda saw that Hunter still looked confused and smiled. 

"You need to understand that having help is ok kiddo. Now come on, lets get you back to bed." She escorted him to the couch but saw that he choose to go on the floor instead. 

Poor kid, what did they do to him?

Eda saw Hunter look up and smile. The smile looked fake but at least he was trying. 

"Thanks, Owl Lady."

"Call me Eda kid." 

HAHAHAHA One of my longest chapters yet >:)

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