(Ch. 7) Rushing Into It Anyways

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-TWs- Blood


Eda heard a frantic knock on the door but was too lazy to get up from the couch. The knocking got more frantic and fast.

Wow, Impatient.

She decided she couldn't ignore it anymore so she stood up to go get the door. The knocking was getting faster and louder. 

"OK! OK! I'm coming just calm down!" Eda went to the door and opened it to see Raine.


"EDA!! Oh, thank goodness, I thought you weren't home." Raine said as they ran inside. 

"Raine! What the titan!! I thought you forgot!! What's going on Rainstorm!!" Eda yelled but then she noticed the trail of blood that followed Raine in 

Wait is Raine holding someone?

Her eyes flicked down away from Raine's face and saw what she didn't see at first. 

"WHAT THE TITAN HAPPENED RAINSTORM!!!" Eda yelled again as she ran over to them. Raine was holding Hunter, who looked like he was half dead.

"I don't know!! I just walked in on him passed out like this!! We need a healer!! QUICK!!!" Raine replied.

"I'll call Luz and King down. Luz has a good healer friend." Eda ran over to the stairs and yelled as hard and loud as she could. 



"LUZ!!! KING!!! GET DOWN HERE QUICKLY!!!!" Luz heard Eda yell. Her voice sounded panicked and like she was in a hurry. Luz and King quickly ran down the stairs and into the living room where they were met with a terrifying sight. She gasped in horror at seeing Hunter in Raine's arms, bleeding heavily, and passed out. 

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE WEREN'T RUSHING INTO THIS!!!" Luz exclaimed rushing over to Eda's side.  

"Raine found him like this passed out in his room. Now quickly grab some bandages or this kid is gonna bleed to death!" Eda yelled. Luz rushed to the bathroom and came back with some white bandages quickly bringing them over to Raine. Flapjack was chirping and flying around.

Awww. Little Rascal cares about him.

Raine set Hunter down on the couch and they wrapped the bandages around his wounds.

"Luz, call your healing friend. We need her if Hunter's gonna survive." Eda told her. Luz calls Viney and after hearing the situation she hurried over. When Viney walked through the door she ran over and stood by the couch. 

"Is that Caleb?" Viney asked as she started to slowly close and heal the bleeding cuts and stabs. 

"His name is Hunter, but Caleb was the name he used when he secretly played flyer derby with you guys right?" Viney nodded and then finished the healing. 

"I've never seen anything this bad. He's going to scar heavily and have a slight limp for a while. His vision might be fuzzy but I managed to save his eye. Make sure to switch out the bandages every morning and night to stop any blood that could break through." Viney told everyone as Luz hugged her. 

"Thank you so much, Viney!!!" Luz exclaimed. 

"You're lucky you found him when you did. One more hour and he would have been dead." Viney said standing up and exiting the house. King came up and sat on Luz's lap. 

"What happened to him..." King asked. Luz hugged him and answered. 

"We'll just have to ask once he wakes up." Raine came up beside Luz and King. 

"I don't know what's going on, but Hunter almost died today. We're going to have to keep a closer eye on him from now on." Raine told Luz.

Thank you so much guys for reading!!! It makes my day seeing you comment and I hope you're enjoying the story! My uploading schedule is kinda weird, I sorta just do it whenever I feel like it so I hope I don't keep you waiting too long sometimes :)

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