(Ch. 13) Another One

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-TWs- Belos being a b**** (Oops swear haha sorry not sorry)

Also prepare to die >:)

Belos POV

Belos was in his secret cave where he made his grimwalkers. It had been about a day or two since Hunter had walked in on him and Belos was sur Hunter had found out. 

Why does it have to be so complicated... with these things. Why can't it just do as it's told!!

Belos lashed out and hit the wall out of fury, just letting it all out. He could hear the Collectors giggles as he was unleashing his anger.

"Are we making a new one! Please tell me we are, please tell me!!" Belos smiled and looked at the Collector. 

"Better. I aready have one ready to go. We just have to dig it up." 

Hunter had betrayed Belos by running away and he was so angry. 

If Hunter did find out I think I should start new. Of course we'll have to catch Hunter but I can start working on this one to make sure it won't betray me like Hunter did. 

The Collector moved beside Belos.

"What are you gonna name it? I can help if you want!! Please let me help this time!!" They said with a michievous smile and laugh. Belos thought for a moment.

What am I going to name it... I've already used all of my brainstormed names. Ugggggh I don't want to do this but I think I have to. 

"Fine. You can help, but I have the final say." Belos told them.

"This is gonna be so fun!!!" They laughed gliding around the room. Belos walked over to where the grimwalker was in the ground and tried to brainstorn and the Collector followed him. 

"What about Able!! Or or... Oh oh!! William!!!" Belos was kinda ignoring the Collector trying to come up with something. 

"We want it to be something that will bring out the qualities we want to see in it." Belos replied. "Not just something random like William." The Collector nodded a look of concentration on his face. Belos also tried to concentrated. Picking out what he would call his next grimwalker was always a big deal. The Collector kept rambling names off while Belos thought. Suddenly a name came to him.

"Casper. I'm going to call it Casper," Belos revieled. The Collector pouted a bit. 

"You said I could help!!!!" They whined. 

"I said you could suggest names not choose it." 

"Aww man, you aren't no fun at all." The Collector said watching Belos. Belos approached the grimwalker that was in the ground. 

"Now all we have to do is dig it up..." 

MUHAHAHAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER. I JUST MADE ALL YOU SCREAM AND I KNOW IT. I'm leaving on a trip for two weeks so this is the last chapter for a while so mini hiatus I guess

I'm so evil >:)


Have fun for two weeks hehe

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