Thanks & Acknowledgments

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Above is my video showing you my rough draft notebook for this fan fiction - watch it if you want to :) - That is also my youtube channel where I post random crap so if you wanna you can look at that




I enjoy reading all the comments and seeing your guys reactions :) 

Thank you to those who read this before it was finished and thank you for suffering at my terrible cliffhangers after I always left for a really long time 

I glad you all enjoyed it - I put lots of hard work into this and I'm sad to see it end but everything has to end someday ya know 

Now I can work on other fan fictions and the next one I'm writing is "To The Stars And Back" which is the one about the Collector! I am so excited to write this! 



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Thank you to everyone who voted!

And finally THANK YOU to my best friend @DragonRiderWannabe who always has supported me in everything I do, so I am dedicating this story to her! You're the bestest friend I've ever had so thank you for everything! Its always fun murdering the evil with you 🔪🔪🔪

Q & A Answers :)

Asked by @Flames_Embers : Do to visit the human realm/would they want to? Answer: You bet! After the whole thing Luz would probably do another attempt at the portal and because of king and the collector she would get it right this time. They would all visit and Luz would introduce everyone to Camila and Vee!  

Asked by @TheFlittleOne : So What happens to Casper?
Of course there are the things mentioning him in the epilogue, but Casper would probably live with either Eda or Darius. I would say he's Hunter's little brother and they both go to therapy. Casper and Hunter would start going to Hexside with Luz and the others and they would all study together, etc. I feel like Casper would look up to Willow as she is Hunter's girlfriend and Willow was the first one to ever ask if he was ok, so he would mainly study in plant magic, taking after Willow. 

Asked by @Huntlowsimp43 : 1. What happens to the Collector? 2. What system of government do they adopt and who leads it after belos? 3. Who are the readers?

1. Since Luz and Hunter know about the Collector they would obviously go help them. Before releasing them though Luz would do the whole talk about stuff and introduce the Collector to king. The collector would probably return home after that. 
2. They would not go back to a "royalty or emperor" way of running the country. I would say its mainly run by the people and they have like a board that deals with all the problems in this country. Would be 10 people who just does most of the decisions but the people get to choose who those people are. Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, and Lilith would be on the board.
3. THE READERS :D WELL THEY ARE THE PEOPLE READING THIS STORY *Gasp* The fourth wall was broken and all you guys murdered belos for us :) After all we are all wild witches who hate belos :)

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