(Ch. 16) Understanding Lilith

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Luz woke up to Hooty screaming goodmorning all throughout the house. She got up slowly and sat the for a minute. 

"Hooty! Why did you wake everyone up! Hunter needs sleep!" Luz said sleepily. Hooty came in through the window hooting with excitement. 

"ITS MARKET DAY!! Last time youguys wouldn't let me come because it would be tooooo daaangerouuuss! But Eda promised me I could come next time AND GUESS WHAT! NEXT TIME IS TODAY!!!" 

Luz groaned. 

Why did Eda have to promise him that. I mean I love Hooty but he's gonna bring too much attention to us.

Luz stood up slowly and got dressed for the day in her favorite hoodie, leggings, and shorts. When she walked downstairs into the kitchen, Eda, Hunter, and King were already there. 

"Griffen eggs for breakfest Luz!!" Eda called. 

"OOoooOo My favorite!!" She relied running to sit next to Hunter. Hunter was picking at his food again, looking discouraged. Luz grabbed his arm and shook him. 

"Come on Hunter! You gotta eat something! I know you're hungry!" 

Hunter yanked his arm back whimpering and flinching a bit. 

"I'm not hungry, I ate alot last night anyway." He replied pushing his eggs away from himself.

Luz pushed them back. 

Hunter pushed them away again. 

This continued for a while before Eda came and put a hand on each of their shoulders. 

"Stop your sibling fighting and lets go. We're running out of food and I need to restock, espescially now that I have another mouth to feed." She said ruffling Hunters hair. Hunter twitched a bit at Eda's words of her mentioning another mouth to feed. Luzcould tell he was feeling a bit of guilt. She grabbed his wrist again and tried to get him to stand but Hunter flinched away again. 

"Come on to the market we go. No time to lose anyway. Luz you carry Hooty and pretend he's your backpack." Eda said standing up and heading to the door. 

"I am so excited to spend some quality time with you guys!! We're going to have SO MUCH FUN!!! I can tell traveling stories or you can tell stories or some stranger can tell stories!! I DONT CARE WHICH!!" Hooty kept rambling on while turning into Porta-Hooty. Luz pulled him onto her back. 

"King, you're in charge of the house while we're gone. Hunter do you want to come?" Eda said.

Hunter stood up a bit shaky.

"S-Sure, I guess getting o-out a b-bit won't h-hurt." He replied and Eda nodded at him.

"Ok, we'll have to stay under the radar. No running, act casual, avoid scouts, Hooty no talking otherwise you won't be coming next time. You guys got that?" Everyone nodded at Eda.

"I'll protect the house with my life! I promise!" King exclaimed while Luz smiled and hugged him.

"Stay safe you little tyrant. Don't start a rebellion while I'm gone." She said sqeezing him tightly.

"No promises!" King giggled. Eda opened the door and Luz, Hooty, and Hunter followed her outside. Luz noticed that Hunter was a bit fidgity and smiled.

Luz got on Owlbert, Eda went into Harpy mode, and Hunter got on Flapjack. They flew over to the market, Hooty acting like a dog in the wind the entire time, and when they touched down Eda ran over to where Lilith was standing waiting for them. Lilith looked confused when she saw Hunter.

"Woah! What is that little brat doing with you guys!!" Lilith said. Eda tried to calm her down.

"Geez Lilith you really hate him. Anyway Raine showed up with him half dead and we took the kid in. Just deal with it and don't act like a jerk. He's been through alot." Eda responded while Hunter fidgited some more.

"Must be alot if the emporer is looking for him this badly." Lilith said throwing a paper at Eda. Eda opened the paper and Luz leaned in to look at it. It was a wanted poster with Hunter depicted on it.

Hunter screamed out going into panic mode.

Lilith POV

Lilith looked at Hunter and suddenly realized she had made this worse for him. She knew how it felt to be an outcast from the coven and she didn't realize he was going through the same thing.

Plus all those times I could hear th Emporer punish and beat him. I shouldn't have been so harsh.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make it worse! I know how it feels!" Hunter looked up at her still panicked, Luz was trying to calm him down but it didn't look like it was working very well.

"How do you know how this feels! No one ever knows how I feel! How it feels to be a failure to everyone around me!" Hunter then covered his mouth quickly.

"I'm sorry I said too much." Lilith, Eda, and Luz were staring at Hunter with slight looks of pity. Lilith stepped forward and tried to put a hand on Hunter's shoulder but he moved away. She then pulled something from he pocket, it was her own wanted poster. She stepped forward and showed it to Hunter.

"I do know how it feels. I lost my life and felt like a failure. Even before the coven I felt like this by cursing Eda-"

"Wait you accidently cursed your own sister?" Lilith smiled sadly at Hunter.

"Yep and it was one of my worst regrets. In the coven I continued to hide my feelings and I felt horrible there. I'm just saying you're not alone..." Hunter looked at Lilith.

"Sorry... I guess I've only really seen the side of you that was always harsh with me."

Eda has never heard anything about Liliths feelings before and seeing her sister connect with Hunter made her smile.

Hooty had gone off looking for bugs and hadn't noticed Lilith was here until now.

"LULUUUUUU!" He hooted coming over and wrapping himself around Lilith.

"Hootsifer! What are you doing here?"

"Eda told me I could come along as everyone's fearless guardian!!" Hooty replied with a proud face. Everyone laughed, even Hunter.

It was probably the most genuine laugh he'd ever had. 

ANOTHER ONE! WOHOOOO. Thats probably all for today though :b

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