(Ch. 14) Guilt

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-TWs- Self Harm etc.

And for all of you who asked me if I like making you Suffer... Yes, yes I do

Hunter POV

Hunter felt extremely guilty about breaking the glass. He felt like he should have been punished for what he had done, but Eda had acted like it was a small thing which confused him. 

Why didn't Eda punish me? I deserved it. I'm such a failure, she probably pityed me and thought i'd had enough already. I hate pity and I do deserve it. Well if she won't do it, I will.

Hunter slowly got up off the floor not wanting to wake Eda again. Flapjack flew over to him chirping. 

"Chirp chirp?" (whatca doin?)

"Punishing myself... Cause Eda felt too much pity to do it." Flapjack narrowed his eyes. 

"Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp." (you've gone through enough. You didn't deserve anything Belos did to you, now go back to bed you need sleep)

"No I don't. Don't stop me." Hunter quietly walked to the closest bathroom with Flapjack following him. 

"Chirp." (Hunter, stop)

Hunter went into the bathroom and Flapjack tried to pull his hair strand but he closed the door before Flapjack could pull him back. 

"Chirp Chirp!" (HUNTER! STOP!)

Hunter ignored Flapjack and tried to look for his knife. 

Where is it? I swear I left it in the corner last time...

Then Hunter remembered he wasn't in the castle anymore. 

Darn the Titan...

He tried to look for something equalivantly sharp and after opening a few cabinents he found a razor. It had some feathers on it but he just plucked them off. Flapjack tried to stop Hunter by pulling on his hair again but Hunter just ignored him. The Flapjack tried to pull the razor out of his hand but Hunter janked it back.

"What is with you Flapjack!" 

Hunter finnaly pulled the razor free and before Flapjack could do anything he ran it hard against his arm. He ignored the pain and kept going, tears forming in his eyes. After a while of doing this Hunter stopped, his arms bloody and shaking. 

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp." (You have to stop doing this. If I find out you're doing this again i'm going to tell Eda) 

Hunter glared at Flapjack, then he looked back at his arms. 

I deserve this. I'm a faiure. I'm weak. I can't even handle a little pain. 

Hunter threw the razor back into the cabinet and then bandaged his arms. Then he stumbled back to bed and layed down on the floor. He finnaly went back to sleep thinking about how nice Luz and Eda were being to him even though he was a enemy. 

Even though he was useless. 

Even though he would always be failure. 

I also realize I have active readers and thank you all who have been commiting, it makes my day! I have up to 21 Chapters written in my notebook so once I get those written down on my computer I can post em and you'll have lots of catching up to do!

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