(Ch. 5) Just a Cheap Copy

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-TWs- Blood, Abuse

Hunter POV

As Hunter looked out the window he realized the bleeding was getting out of hand. He went back to the bathroom to clean up and wrap new bandages around his cuts. Flapjack nested on top of his head chirping. He looked up and smiled knowing he had one friend in this cruel world. He went back to the room and looked at the clock. 

This is gonna be a long night.

Hunter looked around trying to figure out what he should do tonight. His favorite thing was studying wild magic and he had begun to study Flapjack more often. He took Flapjack off his head and placed him on the bed. 

Now I just need to observe.

Hunter watched Flapjack do random things like sleep and eat. He would jot everything down in a journal. After a while, he began to get bored so he walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out his favorite book, Bones to Earth. He began reading and jotted down more notes. Time began to pass really quickly as he was so invested in the book. He felt his eyes start to get heavy.

No! I have to stay up! I can't risk sleeping in!! 

Hunter tried to stay awake but nothing was working. He rolled up one of his sleeves and took the bandages off. Then he started picking at the scabs. The pain of them reopening should keep him awake. He continued to read while picking and soon enough it was morning. Herewrapped the bandages and got up to stretch. Flapjack flew over and started chirping.

"Chirp chirp chirp! (Did you get any sleep?)" 

"No. I couldn't risk sleeping in again. You know what happens when I sleep in." 

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp! (yeah, but it's not healthy to get this little sleep.)"

"I know, I know."

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp! (Just promise me you'll at least sleep for 4 hours tonight."

"Fine. But only because I know you won't leave me alone till I do."

Hunter started to get dressed in his usual golden guard uniform wincing from the pain of pulling the sleeves over his scabs and scars. He walked out of his room to go get his daily assignment from Belos. He went to the room with the portal because that's where Belos spends most of his time now. 

Hunter opens the door slowly not wanting to startle his uncle if he's doing anything important when he hears two voices inside. He hears what sounds like Belos and what sounds like a child?

"Weeeeeeeeeee!! I can't wait to get out of here!! Ooooooo what are you doing Mr. Goopy Face?" That voice is coming from what looks like a shadow on the wall.

"I'm looking over what ingredients I need left, just in case Hunter fails me. These ingredients are just so hard to come by now I'm having trouble collecting them. Also, don't call me Mr. Goopy Face if you ever want to be free." That sounded like Belos. 

"Whatca gonna name this grimwalker?!" The shadow thing asked. 

Ingredients? Grimwalker? What are they talking about?

"I'm not going to name it yet. We're still seeing how long Hunter can last. Hes been more promising than the others." 

Hunter was lost in thought, confused and scared. 

What did they mean how long I can last? And the others? Other grimwalkers!?!

He started hyperventilating as his thoughts ran wild. 

I'm a cheap copy of someone else. I'm replaceable. 

In Hunters panic he accidentally backed up and hit the door making a loud banging sound. The shadow imeadiantly hides and Belos whips around. 

"WHO'S THERE!!" Belos yells. Hunter runs out of hiding and kneels down in front of Belos to apologize, shaking with fear and confusion.

"I'm sorry Uncle!! I was coming to receive my mission for today and accidentally opened the door too hard!" Belos looked furious.

"You interrupted my work!! You know better!!" Then he hit Hunter hard. This time instead of missing Hunter's eye he went through it. Then he kept going letting all his fury out on Hunter, going harder than he usually did. He hit him through his left leg and through the side of his chest. It kept going. Hunter could feel the pain but it was starting to numb because it was so strong this time. 


Hunter struggles to stand and tried to limp out of the room, accidentally stumbling multiple times on the way out. 

"You're weak. You can't even stand! Get out of my sight and don't come back for the rest of today!!" 

(WOW. TWO CHAPTERS TODAY. I am rockin it)

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