(Ch. 15) Nightly Research

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Raine POV

Raine had recently gone back to the castle and had explained everthing to Darius and Eberwolf. Now that Hunter was missing they would have to be as careful as ever. Raine was thinking about about everything as they were heading back to their room when they bumped into someone. They took a quick glance at the person. 

"You need to be more careful in the hallway Hunter." 

"Sorry." He replied.

Raine continued walking then took a second glance in panic. 

Wait... Hunter?! What is he doing here!? He's supposed to be with Eda!!

Raine ran back and grabbedat who he thought was Hunter's shoulder. 

"Hunter! You're supposed to be with Eda!" They said in a low voice. 

"Hunter? My name isn't Hunter, its Casper..." The person turned around and it looked like Hunter but not quite. He looked younger maybe about 13 and his hair was a bit wavier, plus he didn't have Hunter's defining scar or the missing piece of his ear. The kid did have glowing magenta eyes however and a energy that buzzed with excitement, sorta reminding Raine of Luz's energy. 

This kid, Casper, gleemed with happiness at seeing Raine. 

"Oh my Titan!! Are you head witch Raine of the bard coven!! Uncle said i'd meet all you guys eventually but I didn't think it would be this soon!" 

Raine was extremely confused. 

Who is this? He looks almost like Hunter... But how? Hunter would never be this optimistic...

" Oh uh hi... sorry thought you were someone else... Um who are you?" Raine tried to ask. Casper beemed with pride.

"I'm the Emporers nephew! I lost my memory but my Uncle has taken me in and is reteching me everything I forgot. My memory is all fuzzy, I only remember the day Uncle woke me up and so far today. He said the healing coven barely managed to save me but not before I lost it. Funny though he didn't tell me how I got hurt in the first place..." 

Raine was thinking hard examining Casper. 

Looks like he has the golden guard uniform on, but he only has a scout helmet instead of the mask. Belos would probably think that would be suspicous to us if he appointed a new golden guard on the spot. He wants to ease us into it... But why does he look so much like Hunter?

Raine began backing away. 

"Well was nice to meet you Hu- I mean Casper, but I gotta gget going. Got some research I need to do... um right now!" 

Wow good at sounding casual...

Casper smiled and waved. 

"I gotta go to! Uncle said I need to relearn all the training I forgot." 

Raine watched as Casper walked away and then booked it to their room. When they got there they began pulling books off the shelves and tried to think how this was even possible. 

* * * * * * * * * 

Raine was half asleep on their desk. They had spent the whole night researching different ways of how Belos could do this but couldn't think of it. 

I know how! Its on the tip of my tongue uggg! Why can't I just remember it!

Raine slammed their fist against their bookshelf and a couple books fell off. They picked them up and was going to put them back on the shelf before noticing what one of the books was about. Across the front in big golden letters was the title and it read "Grimwalkers and the history behind them." 

It hit Raine like a bullet. 

They knew this was the anwser.  

Caspers a grimwalker... But how? Hunter isn't dead so Belos can't use his bones to clone him. The only logical anwser is... that... Hunter is also a clone. 

Casper must just be the next one, 

in a long line of grimwalkers. 

Hehehe Suffer

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