(Ch. 27) Hollow Mind is Burning Down

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BTW THANK YOU ALL FOR 7k READS IT MEANS ALOT TO ME!!! :) Also thx for 30 followers/children my family is growing slowly.

-TWs- mentions of death, abuse, etc. (practically Hollow Mind but rewriten) 


Eda, Lilith, Darius, Raine, Eberwolf, Hunter, Willow, Amity, Gus, Luz, and King were gathered in a circle contemplating their next move. Willow, Darius, and Raine had explained everything about their encounters with Casper. Everyone, except Raine who knew the truth, thought he was probably a cousin of Hunter's or something like that and Hunter just went along with it. Luz was cuddling with Amity when Eda stood up to address everyone. 

"Ok you depressed people!! Belos has been increasing his efforts to capture wild witches lately and we still have no idea what he's up to sooooo anyone here have any idea's on how to kick this emperor's a-" Luz gave Eda a look. "Whatever." Eda finished. 

Everyone went silent, thinking about what they could do to stop Belos. 

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm- how are we gonna find out what he's doin without any insiders- WAIT. INSIDE! THATS IT!

Luz stood up quickly. 

"Inside! We go into his mind! You know like that one time me and Amity went into Willows!!" She exclaimed. Eda clapped her hands together then exclaimed, "That is genius! I propose tonight, we need to start fighting back more so the faster we find out the faster I can crush his goop face into the ground." 

Raine then spoke up. "I suggest only the adults go in, it might be too dangerous for the kids." They said looking specifically in Luz and Hunter's direction. 

"But I wanna help!!!!" Luz exclaimed but Eda carefully put her hand on Luz's shoulder. 

"Rainstorm is right its too dangerous but you can help from the outside to make sure everything goes smoothly." Eda said. 

"Fine." Luz replied looking grumpy 

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Later that night

Casper POV

Casper was patrolling the night market. He was suppose to be looking for any suspicious activity but he wasn't really feeling it tonight. After his encounter with the girl and the man he had been doubting everything his Uncle had been telling him. 

Uggg why am I like this.

He thought mentally facepalming himself. He took a look around the market again fingering the golden guard mask his Uncle has recently given him promoting him to his right hand man. He had felt uneasy about the quick transition and he been been doubting everything and anything. He was a mental mess. Casper sighed and looked around again to see a ton of cloaked figures going down an alley way. He sighed again and got up to follow them still not feeling energized. 

Hunter POV

Hunter and the others were in an area between alleyways preparing to invade the emperors mind. He was feeling extremely anxious about the whole thing but there was no going back now. Eda, Raine, and Darius were the ones who were actually going into his mind while the rest of the group was going to keep watch. Eda placed the vile in the middle of the circle. 

"Is everyone ready?" She asked and everyone nodded. Darius was getting ready to smash the vile but then someone interrupted the group by jumping into the middle of the circle. 

"Stop right there! This is treason against the emperor." The guard said. Hunter saw the golden mask and knew it was Casper.

"Casper..." Hunter said stepping into the circle. 

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