(Ch. 20) Back Where We Started

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-TWs- descriptive abuse

(Hey by the way if this type of stuff makes you uncomfortable you porbably shouldn't be reading this fanfic. I know some people are ok with abuse but not descriptive abuse and I have no problem describing it like this so please don't read if you don't feel ok reading it)

Hunter POV

Hunter had tried to fight off the scouts as best he could but the scouts were too strong and Hunter felt too weak. The struggling was annoying to the scouts so they knocked him out.

When Hunter woke up he was at the entrance of the castle. He started panicking again and struggled agains the arms that held him captive.

"He's awake ma'm." He heard one of the scouts say.

"Thats Good. We are heare so we would have needed him awake anyways." Kikimora responded.

Uggh Kiki... Of course it had to be her who caught me off guard.

Hunter was dragged into the castle and he knew where he was going already. They took him to the throne room and threw him down in front of Belos.

"Everyone leave." Belos said in a booming voice to everyone in the room. Everyone left except for one scout who was positioned right next to Belos's throne.

"Casper. When I say everyone that means you too."

The scout nodded and as he left Hunter swore there was something familiar about the the tufts of blonde hair that was slightly sticking out of the scout mask.

Once Hunter and Belos were alone Belos stepped closer to Hunter so he was right in front of him.

"I am extreamly disapointed in you Hunter... I thought you were going to be a promising one."

Hunter was shaking uncontrollably and looked down at the ground.

"No anwser then... I expected more from you. You failed me even after I took you in..."

"You didn't take me in!! I'm a grimwalker!!" Hunter quickly covered his mouth.

There was a pause.

Then Belos just lashed out and slashed Hunter across the face. Hunter reached up and felt cold bloode dripping, it felt deep.

"So you do know... Yes you are a clone... And you've failed the purpose you were created for."

Then Belos hit Hunter again.


Another blow.




Hunter could feel lots of blood flowing now from everywhere.


Hunter fell to the grouns shaking like crazy.

"You can't even take a tiny bit of pain."

Hunter tried so hard not to cry but a little tear drop leaked out.

"You are so weak, look you're even crying."

Hunter couldn't stop shaking, it hurt so much. This time had been worse than all the others.

"I'm going to leave you alive for now, who knows you could be useful as a test subject for other pet projects."

Belos clapped and more scouts came in. They grabbed Hunter and escorted him out of the room. Hunter felt extreamly faint and he started losing concisness. Belos noticed this and called out to one of the scouts.

"Can one of you get Hettie. Make sure to tell her though to only heal him enough that he'll barely survive and to leave all the rest."

That was all Hunter heard before passing out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hunter woke up and the first thing he saw was the bars of a very small cell. He looked down and could still see lots of blood but he didn't feel as faint anymore. He looked around and then panicked when he realized Flapjack wasn't with him and he started pacing.

I didn't see him get captured with me... I hope Belos didn't get him. Lets just hope he's with Eda.

Hunter sat back down thinking about everything thats happened wincing in pain from sitting.

I hope everyones ok...

I'm the freaking author and this made me cry. Why do I write sad stuff... well idk cause I can but yeah. (Not me talking to myself...) 

Also 20th chater woohoooo

Thats all the chapters I have prewritten so it might be a couple days before another one. Notice the word MIGHT I sometimes stay up writing chapters so maybe tomorrow idk my uploading scedual is kinda weird. 

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