Manjiro Sano x Reader | Safer with me

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Y/n Pov

I felt the cold water against my skin as I sat in the bath filled with water. Holding my arm out of the sink as I held onto a lit cigarette, I ran my hands through my soaking-wet hair, scars and bruises marking my body. The only sound audible in the gloomy bathroom was the little droplets of water, dripping from my hair and the sound of the water hitting the walls of the bath at every little movement I made.

I was tired of the unending abuse from my stepfather, I had turned into a painting board for his disfiguring masterpiece. I was helpless and unable to fight back, no matter how good, I tried to be, to avoid him from hurting me, the liquor made it hard for the both of us. The cause of my mom's passing away, had fallen on me. He was quick to point his finger at me, yelling that I was to blame for something that I didn't have control of but nature only.

I freed the trapped smoke out of my mouth as the room filled with smoke. I turned the cig off and threw it somewhere far from the bathtub. I slowly allowed myself to deeply relax in the sink. I submerged in the water, refusing to emerge. A burning sensation grew through my throat and my chest, struggling to breathe, I remained under.


The faint sound of my phone going off brought me back to reality. I abruptly emerge from under the water, struggling to catch my breath again, my heart pumping against my chest. I slowly looked towards the phone which rested on a little stool near the sink. I stood up, grabbed a towel, wrapped it around myself and walked towards the phone.

I switched my phone on, to see it was my boyfriend, Mikey.

"Y/n, hey, I've been calling you for so long, what were you doing?" He said. I paused before replying.

"Nothing really" I murmured under my breath. I heard him sigh from the other side of the phone.

"Let's meet" He said and that was enough for me to rethink staying in the bathtub and get ready instead.

I wore baggy clothes which well hid my scars and bruises and a beanie over my head.

I stepped out of the messy house, I checked the time and the clock struck exactly 2 am, my stepfather wasn't in the house, but rather in some pub getting drunk.

I steadily made my way towards the meeting point, hands in my pocket, unbothered by my surrounding. I walked for a few minutes before, I could spot Mikey, leaning on his bike, on his phone.

He quickly looked up at the sound of my footsteps and placed his phone in his pocket, preparing to embrace me. We were on top of a hill, facing the city, a spot which at night, appealed as surreal.

He leaned on his bike, facing the view as I stood right next to him.

"What have you been up to?" he asked.

"Nothing, much" I replied. He didn't reply, filling the atmosphere with awkward tension.

"Y/n, you know you've changed a lot "

"I know" I said looking at the floor.

"Do you want to tell me anything? Anything at all?" He said in a concerned tone, that only I could recognize, as his expressionless face could hide any hint of worry and concern he had. He lit a cigarette and smoked it.

"No...not yet" I said looking up at the view.

"Alright, just know that I'm here for you princess" He said passing me the cigarette. I slightly smiled and smoked it. He was so reassuring.

"Ok, now let's have a lit night" He said pulling my body to face him. I was now facing him, standing in between his legs as he leaned against his bike. He picked up his helmet and softly pecked my lip before placing it on my head.

I froze in place, with small butterflies in my stomach as he closely ensured it was safely secured. He helped me on the bike, before getting on in front of me.

"Hold on tight princess" he said. I tightly held onto him, as he started the bike, making our way out of the place.

The night was spent on us stealing from random corner shops where both cashier and security were sleeping, sharing and eating food, writing graffiti on walls and making out.

We were in a park, I sat on his lap facing him, he buried his face in the crook of my neck, slowly giving me soft kisses as I closed my eyes, relaxing at his touch. His kiss pattern changed, moving inwards towards my neck where one of my bruises was.

I flinched at the kiss which was meant to be pleasing.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He sternly asked.

"Nothing, don't worry"

He gave me a questioning look and quickly turned his flash on from his phone to examine the cause of my flinching. He stared at the red mark, which wasn't visible before due to the dark.

"Who gave you this?" He said ice cold, his aura had changed.

"Nobody, Mikey, it's nothing," I said avoiding eye contact.

"Who did this to you, Y/n, I'm not playing right now" He said in his dark yet worried tone.

"I-" There at that moment, my phone started buzzing non-stop. I grabbed it out of my pocket to see, message upon message. I opened one, trying to read it but wasn't able to as my phone was abruptly taken from me by no other than my boyfriend.

He schemed through the phone to find, curses and threats in each text, clearly coming from my stepfather.

"Why didn't you tell me"

I remained quiet.

"Why, why didn't you tell me y/n?" He said raising his voice a little.

Tears welled up in the corner of my eyes as I finally let out the words I'd been waiting to voice out.

"I was scared, I felt vulnerable, I don't know...I just...I don't want to go back to that house" I said as I looked at Mikey, his gaze softened at the sight of his fragile girlfriend in the state that she was. He quickly embraced me, rubbing my back as I felt him plant a kiss on my head.

"You're not going back there, I won't let anyone hurt you, you especially out of all the people, okay my heart?" He said, making sure I knew I was safe with him. I nodded and tightly hugged him. He was indeed my Hope.

We rode on his bike as he drove me to his place. He switched the lights of his apartment on and walked me into the familiar place, holding my hand. We made our way to his room, he allowed me to change in his clothes as we prepared to go to sleep.

We cuddle in each other's embrace. I felt his strong arms holding me tight, my head rested comfortably on his chest.



"Thank you bae" I said, smiling through the dark. I could tell he was smiling and blushing too.

"You're welcome beautiful" He said as he moved me closer to him.

"What about tomorrow, my stepfather ...?" I faintly asked.

"Don't worry about that, we'll think about it tomorrow, you've worried enough, now sleep"

"I love you" I said

"I love you too"

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