Atsushi Sendo x Reader | Childhood lovers pt.2

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I walked out of the business building after saying my goodbyes to my co-workers, holding my bag on my shoulder, I made my way towards my car.

I pulled out my keys and opened the doors. I placed my bag on the passenger seat and sat on the driver's seat. I collapsed on the seat tired of the stressful day.

It was a week since my best friend, Hinata Tachibana, passed away. A truck which lost control ended up crashing into her parked car with her inside, however, I later found out it was executed by gang members, that had associations with me and Hinata in the past. I began to hate gangs, I hated them with passion.

The day I heard the news, I cried. I cried so much, that it was hard for me to go to work. I was still grieving to this day. Hinata was a sister to me.

I rested on the seat, looking up at the ceiling. I sighed before pulling out my phone. The time struck exactly 18:00. I started my car and made my way to the place where I was going to hold a meeting with the owner of a hostess bar.

I arrived at the place and walked up to the reception.

"Hello, My name is Y/n S/n, I'm here to meet the owner" I said showing him my business card.

" I wonder how someone like you got even the chance for this meeting" The man on the counter said with shade.

"Excuse me?" I replied glaring at them.

"the owner is such a reserved person, last floor, floor 90" He said typing something on his laptop.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I said walking away.

I made my way towards the top building and stopped at a door. I knocked and a man opened the door.

"I'm the assistant, Sir will be here in a bit" He said and I nodded, slightly bowing as I walked into the luxurious room. I look around me mesmerized. It wasn't every day, I got to work with billionaires. After waiting for a long time and fidgeting with my fingers, I heard a familiar voice.

"You can sit" He said and I sat on the couch before me. I couldn't see his face until he turned around and sat on the couch.

"Remember me? nice to see you again Y/n " He said with a small smile. Akkun? What was he doing here? how did he get here? I had so many questions. My heart started to race.

"I...I'm here to talk about the reconstruction of the rooms on floor 67" I said.

"Y/n, listen we need to talk"

"If we aren't going to talk about business, I'm going to leave" I said harshly standing up. All of a sudden all of our memories came flashing in my mind.

"Please" He begged. I stared at him before slowly sitting back in my seat.

"How have you been" He asked.

"I'm coping...a lot has changed ever since you left my sight, a lot."

"I see, you changed a lot, you look beautiful" He said staring at me as if I was a gem. I avoided eye contact, still in denial.

"You changed Atsushi, you're a gang leader. I know what you did" I said remembering the death of Hinata. "You did it, didn't you?! you killed Hinata!" I said as tears flowed down my cheeks.

"I-...Y/n, Listen...I had no choice" He said.

"I can't believe you! You made me so many promises, you failed to keep" I said. "To think I loved you for years" I said

"I never wanted to be involved in this business, I was told that someone was going to be killed. I heard last minute that they planned to kill you or Hinata and I had to choose and...I didn't want you to be harmed so I gave them the order to stay away from you" he said now on his knees. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for all of it. I regretted it all, I love you Y/n"

Sat on the couch, I couldn't help but cry. I stood up, picked all. of my stuff and left.

I loved him, yes I did however my emotions were all over the place.

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