Ran Haitani x Reader | Trust me... pt2

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After walking for a while I manage to spot them. 

Members of Tenjiku were fighting Tokyo Manji gang and it wasn't looking really good for them. My eyes fell on my brother. Kakucho was visibly bloodied and hurt but wouldn't stop.

"shit..." I whispered under my breath realising how bad the fight was. I turned to see Ran on the phone calling the rest of the members to come to the scene as backup was needed.

There in the moment, I watched as Kakucho was punched hard causing him to stumble back.

"NOO" I said almost running to him, when I felt someone grabbing me by the waist, preventing me from moving.

"Let Go of me Ran" I tried to fight him off me, but his grip was too strong. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Ran lifted me and pulled me far from the scene. 

"What are you doing...he needs me" I said with tears as my voice cracked.

"Y/n I can't..." He said feeling a bit bad for me. I couldn't help but cry even more, I looked at the floor.

Ran observed as the other members arrived at the scene, he nodded at Rindo, as if to tell him "You go, I'll stay with her...I'll join you later"

Ran's gaze turned back at me. He slowly and gently grabbed my chin with his hand causing me to face him.

"I promise he will be fine..." He said looking at my glossy eyes.

"You promise.."

"I promise"  He said. For the first time, I could tell he wasn't joking but meant every word he said.

"They need me...I'll be back okay..." He said seeing as the rest needed his help. I nodded at him and he leaned closer to my face, planting a kiss on my cheek, before leaving.

For some reason, I felt flustered, I couldn't tell why he kissed me or why was I feeling this way...but it made me melt in reassurance.

After the fight

Tenjiku was defeated...they had lost the fight. Kakucho and Izana were injured and were brought back to the base by the members.

"I hope his fine" I  said to Ran whilst in his embrace. We had been like this since we came back from the base,  he stood with me the whole time Kakucho was being treated in one of the rooms. He somehow brought me comfort.

"Trust me...he will be fine" I heard him say.

"Wait...Let me go and ask" He said before vanishing. He later came back.

"They said you can come" He said. I made my way quickly into the room.

I was met by a Kakucho in bandages smiling at me.

"YOU IDIOT! why would you do this to me" I said as I broke down at the sight. 

"Y/n, you know I wouldn't go down that easily" He said. He managed to hug me. Ran leaned against the door with his arms folded on his chest with Rindo next to him.

"Don't do this thing again...now I see why you were acting that way two days ago" I said facing Kakucho.

"Yeah...I was contemplating whether I should have gone to the mission, but then I realised I needed to get stronger if I wanted to protect you as my little sister. Ran offered to always protect you if anything happened to me so...I took the chance and went on the mission" He said. I turned around to look at Ran and he was avoiding eye contact. 

Truth was, when we were young, Kakucho would always protect me from literally everyone. Being the stubborn person that I was, I was also ready to fight people for my brother, though he would never let me. 

"I see" I said.

"Thank you Ran for the help, I know she can be stubborn" He said.

"I know" Ran said with a smirk.

"Quit the jokes before I get you worse than you already are" I said to Kakucho giving him a side-eye.

They all chuckled at me.


I decided to go to the rooftop to get some air. I felt the breeze in my hair, and lost in my thoughts, I observed the view.

I felt someone sit next to me. I turned to find Ran next to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked facing the view.

"Yeah, you..?"

"I'm good"

"I told you they were going to be fine"

"Yeah, thank you" I said genuinely.

There was a silence, a comfortable silence.

"You've gotten closer to me than before and I was just wondering, why were you always ready to protect me" I asked. Not that I had an issue with this side of him, actually I loved it...but I had to make sure that my heart wouldn't get tricked into believing it was love.

"Because..." He said.


"This" He said and he suddenly but gently grabbed my cheek causing me to face him, he leaned in and I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me. It was a soft yet passionate kiss. We soon parted.

"Let's just say...I like you...I mean been liking you..." He said as if it was nothing. He was bold. On the other side I was a hot mess, I blushed so hard I completely avoided eye contact.

"You alright?" He said with a smirk.

"Yeah...If you liked me, then what was that cocky behaviour you had" I asked trying to regain control of myself.

"I just wanted to piss you off, It's fun plus you looked cute every time" He said laughing.

I watched as he cutely laughed. It was a genuine laugh.

"So...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes...but what will Kakucho think of it" I said knowing how protective Kakucho would get about me and the boys.

"He knows and he trusts me with you" He said. I was shocked...when and how long has this been going on...

"Well then yes, I'll be your girlfriend" I said smiling. 

He pecked my lips before offering his hand for me to stand with me as we made our way back inside, together.

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