Ken Ryuguji x Reader | Special one? pt.2

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It had been 2 days since the incident and I hadn't seen anyone, I had spent those days crying thinking about the whole situation. It was draining however I wasn't planning to be depressed today.

I dressed casually and went outside to do some grocery as I was missing some sugar. I walked out of the shop and made my way home.

On my way, I stopped at a playground, I saw a little boy on a swing by himself with a sad expression. He reminded me of myself, I was pretty much feeling sad like him. I walked up to him and sat on the swing next to him.

"Huh..." He said confused.

"What's wrong?" I said with the lollipop still in my mouth.

"my crush said she doesn't like me, she left with my friend, and they both left me here" He said with a frown on his face. I remained silent for a few minutes and then removed the lollipop from my mouth.

"I understand how you feel, I'm in the same shoes as you, when you care for someone, you give them so much of you but they seem to prefer someone"  I said looking at the floor, remembering a lot of things.

"You know, some things aren't just meant to be. We're just used to seeing one side of the picture, we forget to look at the bigger picture and we get things wrong, the story is not always our narrative" I said.

"What does that mean?"

"You'll get it one day, here, have it" I searched through my pocket and handed him a lollipop.

"I've got to go now, I'll see you around," I said standing up, he waved at me before I left.

I turned around the corner, to find Draken and Emma talking by my gate, they were...hugging. I didn't want to interrupt anything, so I sucked my feelings in and walked the other way.

Ken's Pov

I hadn't heard from y/n and wanted to check on her. I knew something wasn't right. Was she okay? Did something happen to her? I cared for her, God if I did and it was driving me crazy not hearing from her for the past 2 days.

I walked up to her door ready to knock when I heard someone calling my name.

"Draken? What are you doing here?" It was Emma.

"I came to check on Y/n" I replied nonchalantly.

"Oh...I wanted to speak to you about something tho..." She said.

"Can we talk later?"

"It's quick...please" She said. I nodded allowing her to speak.

"Draken, I like you and I've been debating whether to tell you or to keep it to myself...I've always thought you had feelings for Y/n, but after hearing you find her annoying, I want to confess to you Draken, I love-" I didn't let her finish before I interrupted her.

"Sorry, I can't...I don't feel the same am sorry" I said. She nodded with a small smile.

"It's like her I can tell..." I remained silent "Can I get a hug please?" She asked and we hugged.

From the corner of my eye, I could see a Figure...Y/n. She stood there upset, she began running somewhere.

"Sorry Emma, I've got to go" I said running after her.

Y/n Pov

I ran back to the playground to find the boy surrounded by boys way older than him. They were shoving the poor boy around as if he was a ball, he barely stood on his feet.

"Hey, what the heck are you doing?" I shouted walking up to them.

"Mind your business" one of the boys said.

"No" I said and walked past them,  helping the boy stand up. I would be a fool to say that I wasn't scared, however, my hands were shaky. I held his hand and walked past them until one placed a hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"not so fast...where do you think you're going with him?" He said with a mischievous grin.

"Run" I whispered to the little boy.


"I said RUN" I said slightly shouting.

The boy ran and the moment he did, the boy holding onto me, pushed me back into the circle. I knew I was helpless, but I wasn't going to let them intimidate me.

"This is going to be fun" I heard another one of the boys say. I stood up and bawled my hands into fists, ready to take the hits.

"I know right" I heard another voice say, however, this voice was familiar. I looked around to find Ken standing behind the boys.

"Who are you-" The boy was about to say when he immediately got hit by Ken. The others at the sight of one of their mates collapsing, frightened ran away.

They left and it was me and him, we were sat on the swings.

"How did you find me?" I said looking at the floor.

"That boy" He said pointing at the little boy, which was playing at a far distance from us.

"I also saw you running away...earlier" I remained silent. I didn't think he'd notice me.

"Listen, I came to know why you'd been missing for these past days...are you okay?" He asked.

Was I okay? Was I alright? I was dying to say yes, however, I couldn't lie to myself.

"What do you care? go ask that question to someone else before you say am bothering you" I said looking elsewhere. He was taken aback by my question.

"Y/n what are you saying? Are you okay?"

"AM I OKAY? no... am not? Are you happy now? That's what I am.. a matter of fact go back to Emma instead of wasting your time, you shouldn't care about how I feel" I said facing him and finally shouting.

"Y/n I still don't get you, why would I go to Emma?"

"I love you okay! I love you so much it hurts to see you being close to Emma, closer than you've ever been with me no matter how many times I've been there for you, it hurts even more to know you find me annoying..." I said as tears welled up in my eyes "I know you love her"

He looked at me perplexed, processing each word, he started blushing realising that I loved him. Not only that, but he realised how much pain I was feeling.

"I don't like Emma" He said.

"huh" I said confused. He sighed and wiped my tears away.

"I said I don't like Emma, so stop crying" I watched as he softly caressed my cheek. "I know don't show a lot of emotions when am around you, and that you heard what we said earlier, the truth is I don't find you annoying, I didn't want to admit my  feelings for you." He said and I started blushing.

I had been thinking for the past 2 days about you and came looking for you when I met Emma, you misunderstood the hug. I think I love you, Y/n I want to learn to love you the way you love me."

I was taken aback, I was even more shocked when I felt a pair of soft lips on me. Ken kissed me. He brought one of his hands on my cheek while the other wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked once we pulled away.

I shyly nodded, my heart pounding on my chest, I was the happiest. He softly kissed my forehead before we walked away from the park.

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