Hajime Koko x Reader | Rebellious Youth

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"Y/n, Are you done dressing up?" I heard my mother say from outside my room.

"Yeah, almost " I shouted back as I looked at myself in the mirror. Today was a special day, a day where I was marking 18 years of being on this earth. Coming from a wealthy family, it was like a tradition to give big parties.

I smiled to myself as I walked out of my room, going down the spiral stairs of my mansion-house, towards the living room, where everyone was. I was excited as the room was full of guests of all kinds dressed formally, however, my eyes were roaming around looking for a specific person.

I stepped down assisted by my father, as everyone clapped on my arrival.

"I just wanted to say, thank you for attending this precious day as we celebrate my precious daughter's birthday" He said to the crowd as I stood next to my mom. They clapped in response and began singing Happy Birthday. I smiled while they sang, though all I could think of was, "Where was Koko?"

I smiled when they finished and watched as people went back to eating, drinking and chatting with each other. I walked around looking for Koko, being constantly stopped by people wishing me happy birthday. My attention was never on their conversation but on the whereabouts of my boyfriend. I made my way towards my parents and asked them the question that I longed to ask them.

"Mother?" I said as I caught their attention.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Have you perhaps seen Koko anywhere?" I said as they both frowned their eyebrows at me.

"Don't tell me you're going to ruin your day over that boy? " My father said in disbelief.

"W-what?" I replied confused.

"Y/n I already told you, he's not of the same class as us, he has some dirty business with which we can't associate ourselves" My mother said instantly.

"What are you trying to say..." I said still confused.

"He came but we refused him entrance...he needed to be put in his place" My father said.

I couldn't understand, we had already spoken about this. They had promised me that he was allowed to be here. It seemed like no matter how much I told them how I felt about him, they wouldn't listen and it was always the same thing, again and again and again...

"You guys don't seem to understand it, do you...?" I said looking away.

"Y/n Listen we already spoke about this, we're currently in public, not here" My mother proceeded to say, fake smiling at the people who were walking by us.

"you think I don't already know we spoke about this, which makes me even more frustrated, but haven't you thought about why? I don't care about these people" I said fed up. "This is how I know you selfish, all you care about is status and how the public views you" I finally spat those words at them before walking away. It wasn't my intention to disrespect anyone, but they had disrespected me to begin with.

I walked out of the house, walking around in the almost night sky. It was cold outside as I wrapped my arms around myself, letting my feet lead me wherever. I looked around, hoping I would spot Koko anywhere.

Him and I came from different backgrounds. While I was born into this luxurious lifestyle, he worked hard for it. He was wealthy, oh yes he was, but the fact that he was associated with gang members made it hard for us to be together. It was like mixing oil and water, it seemed forbidden, but we were willing to go far and beyond to be with each other.

Walking for a bit, I heard a car stopping next to me. Alarmed, I turned around confused, I watched as a person stepped out. It was, Koko.

"Cold?" He asked with a small smirk on his face as he watched my perplexed face. He walked up to me, holding a massive bouquet of roses. He had a black and burgundy red Paisley tuxedo, wearing about 4 silver rings on his fingers and a golden dangling earring. I quickly embraced him burying my face in his chest as he hugged me back.

"I'm sorry" I mouthed to him in the embrace.

"About what? I should be apologizing for not showing up" He said confused.

"I know you came...and they didn't let you in..." I said looking up at him still in the embrace. He softly smiled before speaking.


Koko Pov

I was outside Y/n's door being refused entry by her parents.

"Listen here boy, stay away from our daughter. I'll pay you the largest sum to leave our daughter for good" Y/n father said next to her mother.

"No amount of money you own would ever make me even think of leaving your daughter, y/n" I replied. I watched as he became angrier

End of Flashback

"About that...I knew something like that would have happened...so I already made my plans" He said grinning. "as for now, this is for you milady" He said handing me the bouquet.

I took them in my hands as he led me to the car, he opened the door and closed it for me once I got in. I watched as he walked to the other side of the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" I questioned him.

"Somewhere, you'll find out" He said before pressing on the gas pedal.

We were driving on a mountain road by a blue beach. He opened the hood of the car and the air began to blow through my hair. I couldn't help but raise my hands and feel the breeze through my hair. He increased the volume of the music. He began accelerating. I smiled hard.

I loved this freedom, I loved the rebellious feeling that I could only experience whenever I was with him. After driving around for hours, stopping to eat at different places, we finally arrived at the famous "somewhere".

"How long is it gonna take for us to get there?" I moaned under my breath, as we hiked up the trail, in formal clothes.

"Just a little more, don't give up on me now" He said grinning.

My legs were giving up on me, this wasn't part of the plan, where was he taking me? I stopped for a second and he came down and asked me to get on his back. He gave me a piggy-back for the rest of the journey.

We stopped on a cliff overlooking the city, which was now slightly lit up due to the evening lights.

I got off his back and observed the view. He stared at me silently as I watched the view in awe.

"That's cool, how did you find this place?" I asked still observing the city.

"You think so? I thought you'd love it, I did too. I happen to end up here, on the run from some people not so long ago"

I nodded.

"Y/n" He said getting my attention. I looked at him as I noticed him, observing my features.

"Gosh, you're beautiful...I was wondering, I know it might sound like a bad influence but what if you don't go back home and stay with me?" He asked. I was taken aback.

"I-...What do you mean?" I said.

"What if you stay with me, what if you live with me?" He said.

"I don't know, we live two completely different lives, I don't know if I'll adapt to.." Part of me wanted to accept the Idea. I wanted the thrill, I was always made for it and turning 18, was a good, if not, a great opportunity to start. I wasn't a "child" anymore, and I could do well on my own. However, part of me was afraid of a life filled with crimes and violence.

"You don't have to worry, I'll take care of you and make sure you learn about anything there's to know. I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you...Think about it we can merge our worlds and create what you've always wanted to have " He was now holding my hands in his. "I sometimes feel like your parents are going to take you away from me and I won't ever allow that to happen"

"Yes" I said.

"What do you mean"

"Yes, I'm staying with you, Yes I want that life Koko" I said.

He wrapped one arm around my waist and placed the other on my cheek as he brought me in for a kiss. It was a comforting kiss, reassuring enough to ensure that all the promises he made were honest.

We remained on the cliff for another minute to observe the city, before departing to live the chosen life that was waiting for us.

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