Izana Kurokawa x Reader | A Heart of Ice, A Wall of Fire

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Was it a mistake to fall in love?  Was it wrong for me to feel attached to him? Every day I would wonder what would be if he ever returned the same feelings.

"Izana, I brought you your favourite food" I said enthusiastically, walking inside his office.

"Just leave it on the table" He replied blankly, not even looking at me.

I was his wife, indeed I was, only that, he never treated me as such. We had only got together because he felt like I would serve as a great tool for him after Koko convinced him it would be a great idea to marry someone rich, to increase his status.

Our relationship was based on business and not on love, but what did I know about love? I married at such a young age thinking it would be perfect. I was blinded by love the moment I met him, it seemed unreal.

I wasn't expecting him to love me back being Tenjiku's Boss, the powerful gang in the city, however, I wished he would treat me better than he was.

"Mhmm, the weather seems nice today" I exclaimed looking outside the window. He didn't say anything but rather kept typing on his laptop.

"Ahh look at the sun, It's been so long since I've been outside" I further said, with a bright smile on my face. I tried to get him to speak to me but nothing.

"Maybe if we could g-"

"Y/n will you shut the fuck up" He finally said raising his voice. I slightly jumped a little from the sudden outburst.  It wasn't something new to me, however, I was still not used to him shouting at me.

He blankly stared at me with an angry expression. My heart sank. I bit my lower lip, trying not to cry, knowing damn well that if I did it would have pissed him off even more.

"I'm sorry-"

"Just shut up! KAKUCHO" He said calling for one of the members Tenjiku.

"Yes" Kakucho asked walking into the room.

"Get her out of here and prepare the others for a meeting"

Kakucho signalled me to follow him as he didn't want to touch his Boss's wife. I followed him out of the room, feeling broken.

I walked into my room, crying my eyes out. Why did he treat me the way he did, couldn't he see the love that I had for him? His heart seemed like it was made of ice and no matter how hard I tried to melt it, it would hurt me. He put a wall of fire around him, every time I tried to put it out, I would get burned.

I heard all of the members leave the villa, leaving me inside by myself, just like every day. I wasn't allowed to go out leading me to always be alone.

I walked to the kitchen to get some water from all the crying. I poured the water and began drinking from it. All of a sudden everything went black.

Izana Pov

We got back to the house, and as usual, I walked into my office frustrated thinking of Manjiro Sano. The hatred I had for him, surpassed all and above. I was lost in my thoughts when one of my men came to inform me about something.

"Izana, Y/n is missing, but we found a note... she's been kidnapped " Kisaki said.

I stood up bawling my hand into a fist, knowing exactly who had taken my wife.

Y/n Pov

I was tied up in a chair, blindfolded, hearing a bunch of people talking. I suddenly felt someone loosen up my blindfold to find Manjiro Sano, the guy Izana was always on about.

He had short hair, he had a close resemblance to Izana. He had a dark aura around him and though he was just staring at me, it was enough to send shivers down my spine. From a far distance went the sound of a large "Bang"

"They must be here" he said.

There he was, Izana. I wish I could call him my hero, however, he was my hero and my nightmare at the same time. 

"Manjiro Sano...coward of you to take my wife, could you not take me in a 1v1" He said with a creepy smile on his face.

"We can fight right now" Mikey replied.

I was trying to free myself when a fight broke out and an intense fight, that seemed never-ending. A fight between broken brothers, it was pretty scary to watch.

After a few minutes I freed myself, I watched as they both tried to harm each other. Izana was now holding a gun and before he could pull the trigger, unexpectedly Kisaki pulled out a gun, pulling the trigger towards Izana. I jumped in front of him taking the bullet.

"NOOO" I heard Izana crying out. The world seemed to have stopped. The fight had stopped.

I felt Izana running to my side, kneeling next to me, pulling me close. I coughed some blood out as I held onto my bleeding side.


"Don't utter a word" He said.

I smiled at him, my heart was breaking into pieces."Isn't it beautiful, how life is" I whispered

"What are you saying y/n?" he said trying to read the expression on my face.

"Even as I'm dying in your arms, I can't help but love you. I'm sorry for not being enough for your love. Even on those days you pushed me away, I couldn't stop myself but to love you, I'm sorry..." I said allowing my tears to flow, I was going to die without ever having someone love me back. He stared at me as realisation struck him.

"I'm such an Idiot...I'M SUCH AN IDIOT! Y/n please don't die on me" He said shouting frantically, uncontrollably shaking his head.

"It's okay, Izana, everything is going to be fine" I said giving him a small smile.

"No, I can't do it without you, take this, pull the trigger PLEASE" He said placing a gun in my hand, directing it at his heart, tears filled in his eyes. His screams of agony loudened, causing crows afar to abandon their trees. I couldn't and I wasn't going to pull the trigger, so he took it and shot it himself.

I started crying out loud at the sudden action.

"This...This is the only way to return your feeling...This is the only way to prove my love for you" He said, as he slowly laid next to me.

"I'm sorry, I love you" He said reaching for my hand. I took it and replied with an "I love you too", as the rest watched the two of us finally closing our eyes.

I think I have finally melted his heart of ice and put out the Wall of fire.

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