Keisuke Baji x Reader | What an Idiot

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Y/n Pov

Watching outside the window every lesson was almost like a Hobby to me and though I was bored in class, I was still able and capable to do most of my tasks. Maybe the source of my boredom came from the fact that I was the smartest, which led me to finish ahead of the rest.

Across me, sat a dark-haired boy, aggressively writing notes on paper, it seemed like he was paying attention, however when I checked closely, he was scribbling on the paper.

"Tch, what an idiot" I silently whispered under my breath nonchalantly. I shifted my focus back to outside.

"Miss Y/n, you must be enjoying looking outside, could you please show us which equation would you use to find the resistivity of a wire and find the answer" The teacher asked, requesting me to stand up.

I quietly stood up from my seat and took the black pen out of his hands. Writing the equation "ρ = RA/l", I started to write multiple figures on the board before reaching the answer of 12.

"Good, Y/n I know you're good but I would appreciate it if you followed the lesson just like the rest" He said.

I went back to my seat unbothered, as I walked past, the whole class stared at me but the dark-haired boy, in particular, looked at me with admiration. Most people in the school thought of me as the "mysterious girl who knew it all"

"Baji...would you like to answer the next question...?" The teacher asked the boy. The boy simply shook his head hesitantly.

"It's fine, Let's proceed then" and with that, the lesson continued.

End of the Lesson

"Y/n, Baji could you stay behind for a moment"

I packed my stuff and walked up to his desk with "Baji" Next to me.

"Y/n could you kindly start tutoring Baji...and from now on, he's also moving next to you" he kindly asked me. I looked towards Baji and he had a bright smile plastered on his face.

"I don't mind" I replied with a small smile.

"you could start now, the classroom is all yours" he said as he left the room.

I moved back to my seat and silently unpacked my stuff. Baji followed me like a lost puppy and sat on the seat next to me, unpacking his stuff.

"Are you good with maths?" I asked him.

"I guess I am...maybe not, but I'll become better, even better than YOU" He said enthusiastically. He was an odd guy, with a very wild energy, the smile plastered on his smile never left as he uttered each word.

I wrote some questions on the paper and passed them to him. He quickly began solving them. I watched as he counted with his fingers. To think he had so much enthusiasm in becoming better than me, yet still counting with his hands was pathetic, he really was an idiot, however, it was cute to see him trying so hard.

I secretly started smiling to myself but quickly stop when I realised.

A few weeks had passed and I had been tutoring Baji every day after school, he was getting better each day and if he kept on at this pace he would have passed his exam.

As well as that we were getting closer each day so close that it made me feel some way towards him.

"Love" sounded like a curse to me the moment I heard of it. The thought of giving someone your heart and watching them have it, hoping they wouldn't break it, sounded unpleasing to me. Yet part of me had always wanted to experience the "beauty" of love.

All my life, I had been surrounded by toxic love, mostly coming from my parents. Always enforcing me to become the top student in all of my classes, spending money on me to become "better", without considering my feelings. I once was in Baji's position too, and yet I can't phantom how he always keeps such a bright smile.

I was making my way to meet Baji, when I met him on the hallways.

"Y/n!" He called my name.

"yes, what is it?" I asked confused. Did he need help with some questions?

"I need to tell you something" He said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as he spoke. I nodded to him before he proceeded.

"I've got great admiration for you, you're incredibly smart and I'm always going to be forever grateful for tutoring me...however what I want to tell you is that I think, no, I've liked you since the first day I saw you boldly stand up in class and only become certain of falling in love with you the first day you started tutoring me..." He said visibly blushing.

I felt a warm sensation in my cheeks that I couldn't control, I loved hearing him say those words, but mostly I loved the way that I felt, however part of me didn't want to give in to it.

"I'm sorry Baji, I can't" I said apologising.

"No, I'm sorry for making it awkward, you don't have to..." He replied with a small smile.

"Sorry, I need to think " I said and quickly left the school.

I started walking not knowing where I was going, my mind and heart were racing. They were racing I didn't know who was going to conquer.

"Yo" I heard a boy behind me. I turned around confused, to find a group of boys, they pretty much looked like delinquents.

"Yes, you" He said.

"She goes to the same school as that Baji guy" one of them said.

Another moved closer to me, analysing my uniform, before harshly grabbing me by the collar.

"Tell us where he is right now" He said as I struggled to get him off me. The rest had amused faces, while I cried to be freed.

"He's right here, now let her fucking go" We heard a voice behind us. It was Baji and he was furious, an expression I hadn't seen before.

The guy who held me smiled mischievously.

"This, I'll let go of her when I want to" he said tightening the grip, making me yelp.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF HER" he shouted as he charged at them taking them into a fight. It was a different energy, a mix of anger and concern coming out of him.

I suddenly felt the grip on my collar loosen and the boys running away.

"Are you okay?" he asked making sure that I was alright.

I blankly stared at him.

"I'm sorry about earlier and I'm even sorry about now and about what hap-"

I couldn't help myself no more, in this fight, my heart had definitely conquered. I suddenly kissed him to shut him up. He brought his arms around my waist pulling me in as we kissed. It was a short kiss but passionate.

"You were taking too long, you idiot" I said smiling at him as I pulled away. He stared at me almost like in a trance.

"and about earlier, I like you too, actually no I love you too" I said chuckling a little.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really" I replied with a smile.

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