Takashi Mitsuya x Reader | Promises and Priorities

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Y/n Pov

On the bench, I sat with Mitsuya, my boyfriend, who sat next to me. It was lunchtime and as usual, I loved to spend lunch in an isolated section of the school, and as always he never minded that.

The sun was struggling to keep its rays shining as it was constantly being covered by passing clouds. A small breeze of air passed through my hair as Mitsuya gently stroked it, while my head leaned against his chest. There was a comfortable atmosphere, a peaceful silence, too peaceful it had to be broken...

"I hate how the sun keeps hiding" I bluntly blurted out, slightly facing the sky.

"I know you do" He replied chuckling, gazing at me.

" Are you staying later, for lessons?" I asked him, hoping he would say a "yes", knowing damn well he would skip lessons most of the time, after lunch, to spend time with his "gang". He remained silent for a bit before answering.

"...yes, then later we can spend time after school" He said steadily stroking my hair.

I began to smile like an idiot at the thought of spending the rest of the day with my lovely boyfriend, which usually didn't happen.

"We should start going in" he said as he stood up. He held his hand out for me to hold it, and gently pulled me with him as we made our way back inside the school.

"Mitsuyaa" We almost made our way in till we heard someone calling for Mitsuya from afar. We turned around to find a blue-haired boy running towards us.

"Hakkai?" Mitsuya replied confused to find the 2nd Division Vice-captain.

"Hi, Y/n...Mitsuya, Mikey said to meet asap, he has an important announcement to make, we need to go now " he said.

I stood there confused, yet knowing exactly what was going to happen. The whole sentence translated to me meant that Mitsuya had to leave and though I knew his team needed him as the captain of the 2nd division of Tokyo Manji gang, I couldn't help but be selfish. 

My grip on his hand tighten a little, he noticed it and looked at me for a few seconds before replying to him.

"...Oh...give me a second" He said to Hakkai before turning around to face me, sadness writing all over my face, the once feeling of excitement replaced with confusion.

"I'm sorry princess, I've got to go" he said. My face turned into a small frown. I looked down at the floor, giving out a sigh. He brought his arms around my body, firmly hugging me.

"I'll be back to pick you up after school...I promise" I heard him whisper in the embrace. He pulled away from the hug and planted a kiss on my cheek before facing Hakkai.

"Alright, let's go" He said. They made their way towards the exit, both figures getting smaller as they got farther from the school. I stood there for a few minutes before making my way inside the school hallways.


It was the last lesson of the day. Sat on the usual far corner of the room, I was looking outside the window, thinking of whether Mitsuya was outside waiting for me as he promised, I hoped he brought an umbrella as it was visibly pouring outside. . . Lost in my thoughts, I began to hear people packing up and standing up to leave, knowing well what time it was, I quickly packed my stuff and made my way out of the building.

"He should be here somewhere" I said looking around, but nothing, he wasn't there.

Students walked past me as I stood near the gates, avoiding the rain. I stretched my hand out for a few seconds, I could feel the rain, it was getting heavier. I started feeling cold, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scrolled through the list of contact searching for the boy that was supposed to be here minutes ago. I dialled the number just to receive a message from the answering machine

I decided to send him a text instead, hoping he would see it.

"He should be here any time soon" I said trying to gather all the hope that I had, after all, he promised.

I checked the time and 2 hours had passed since I finished school, there was no point in me waiting as it was certain that he was nowhere to be seen and that he was probably not coming. I softly sigh, before bracing myself to walk under the rain.

I stepped in the rain, slowly feeling my body getting wet, I quickly made my way home.

Mitsuya Pov

I was in the meeting, listening to Mikey introduce this new boy called Takemichi, though, If I had to be honest with myself, I wasn't listening. I was lost in my thought wandering about Y/n. Was she alright? Was she safe?

I knew by now she was done with school and probably waiting for me.

The thought of making her anxiously wait made me feel guilty, I had to leave the room.

"Mikey, sorry bro, I need to go" I voice out to him. He blankly looked at me for a few seconds before giving me a bright smile.

"Sure, Mitsuya, see ya" He said. I waved the guys goodbye and dashed towards my bike outside.

"Shit, it's raining" I cursed under my breath, I wore my helmet, started my bike and rushed to my girlfriend. She was my number one Priority and after a Promise comes fulfilment and loyalty and I couldn't afford to break that.

Y/n Pov

I was walking at a fast pace with one of my small hands over my head in an attempt to cover my head. I looked ridiculous and I was aware of it. Feeling dumb, I stopped in my tracks and rested my arms on my side as I faced the floor for a few seconds. I could feel the rain getting through my hair.

Tears gather at the corner of my eyes. I was about to cry when I heard the sound of a motorbike stopping in front of me. I looked up to see Mitsuya getting off his bike, and removing his helmet.

He walked towards me, concern written all over his face. His body was wet, from the ride in the rain. He quickly pulled me into a tight hug, allowing me to rest my head on his chest.

It broke him to see me in the state that I was in, I was too precious to him to be in the state that I was in. He deepened the hug, whispering a small sorry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, they held me behind, I'm sorry..."

I was upset at him, but not enough to make me mad at him. I was glad he was with me.

"I'm glad you're here" I said in the hug. We pulled away from the hug and he cupped my face in his hands, leaning forward for a kiss. Our lips touched, and there I felt relieved.

"It won't happen okay, love" he said once we pulled away from the kiss. I was a blushing mess and it was clearly evident.

"Alright, can we go now, I'm getting even more wet" I pleaded. He chuckled and replied.

"Okay princess come here" He wiped my face a little, carefully placing his helmet on my head, before starting his bike. After all he kept his promise.

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