Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader | More than Friends

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"Y/n let's go" Emma said as we both walked into the meeting spot where Tokyo Manji Gang was, I awkwardly smiled while the members were facing us as if to say "What are you two doing here?"

"Emma, Y/n what are y'all doing here?" Mitsuya asked.

"We just came to watch, don't mind us" Emma replied.

The meeting began. They were discussing the next fight they were going to have. I looked closely to see the boy that I had been crushing on for a while. Chifuyu stood among the members with a serious expression, closely paying attention to the meeting.

We had a close friendship, he was really sweet to me. He would always walk with me to school, just to walk me home. He would spend time with me on those days when I didn't know what to do and buy me food. He was always there for me.

I was lost in my thoughts I hadn't realised I had been staring at him.

Emma mildly elbowed me, whispering "There is your boy", I violently blushed before replying to her.

"Shut up, focus on Draken " I said and she began smiling.

"Ahh, are you going to tell him tonight?" she asked me.

The truth was that the main reason why we were there was that I could finally confess to my long-time crush...

"I think yes" I said, doubting a little if it was a good idea for me to make a move.

"You'll be alright" She said with a reassuring smile.

It was already dark and the discussion seemed to be never-ending. I folded my arms together, standing in an awkward position as I began to feel cold. The only worry I had tonight was messing up my relationship with Chinfuyu, things between us were too good to be ruined. I couldn't and didn't want to watch us slowly turn into strangers.

"Y/n they're done"  I heard Emma say.  I couldn't reply before she dragged me towards the boys.

"Hey guys" Emma said as we approached Draken, Mickey, Mitsuya and Hakkai.

"Hey Emma, Y/n" Mickey replied looking at the both of us with a bright smile. He was too sweet to be a gang leader.

"How was school?" Mitsuya asked us.

"You're asking us as if you didn't go to school too" Emma said sarcastically.

" Actually, I skipped halfway through" He replied with an awkward smile, scratching the back of his head, earning a chuckle from the rest. I looked around looking for Chifuyu and he was nowhere to be found.

"He must have already left" I whispered to myself, a bit upset.

I was still talking to Mikey, Draken and Emma. I was so invested in the conversation, I didn't realise it was getting late. I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

"Shoot, guys I need to go now" I said.

"Do you want us to walk you home?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, cuz it's really late" Draken proceeded. They always wanted to make sure each of the closest people to them was safe and I appreciated that.

"No it's fine guys" I said giving them a bright smile.

"See you tomorrow then"  They said.

"Alright, see ya" I replied.

"Maybe another time" Emma secretly whispered to me with a small grin on her face. I smiled at her and wave them goodbye before making my way home.

It felt like the atmosphere had gone colder, I rubbed my hands together in an attempt to warm them up.

"Why is it so cold?" I whispered under my breath.

I walked for less than a minute before I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Chifuyu looking at me.

"Hi Y/n " He said giving me a soft smile.

"Oh, Hi" I replied a bit surprised to see him.

"I wanted to say Hi to you earlier but you seemed busy" He said. He stood next to me while we walked side by side.

"oh...yeah, I thought you already left" I replied to say.

I started blushing secretly as I was not expecting to see him. For the past few days it got hard for me to speak or be around him without blushing. It was becoming a constant feeling/ reaction.

"Nope I would never leave a place knowing you're there without speaking to you, it was nice to see you there, I could tell by the way you were standing that you were feeling cold." He replied. I started feeling butterflies in my stomach, was he looking at me?

"Oh, y-yeah, I-I was cold" I managed to reply. He took his jacket and placed it around me. My mind raced fast as the feeling in my stomach grew stronger.

"I've got a question though, usually you don't attend our meetings what made you want to come? not that I have a problem with it" He asked.

I started contemplating whether to tell him or lie about the reason. My mind was racing. The fear of ruining our friendship was taking over me, however, I had to let him know how I felt.

I stopped in my track, making him stop with me, he looked at me with confusion. I squeezed my hand into a fist as I gathered all the courage I had.

"If I have to be honest with you...earlier I would have told you that I was there just to listen and watch the meeting, but in reality, I was there for you and though it sounds like a normal thing friends do for each other, it isn't just that" I paused before continuing.

"I love the way you look after me and make sure I'm always alright, I love your company and the way you look at me like no other, Chifuyu, I think I have fallen for my friend, I think I have fallen in love with you," I said looking at him.

He stared at me with no expression on his face. I started feeling dumb as if it was about to happen, the nightmare I had hoped would never become reality. I was too scared to lose him...

"You d-don't have to return the feelings, I know I'm probably not even your type, Never mind everyth-" I instantly replied stuttering. I couldn't finish my sentence when he walked up to me grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me. A warm sensation grew in my cheeks while my heart started pumping harder against my chest.

He lowered one of his hand slowly bringing it around my waist slightly pulling me in deepening the kiss. We were kissing under the stars just like in the movies, it was perfect. His touch was gentle, gentle enough to calm my heart rhythm.

We pulled apart, I slightly looked away still blushing.

"I love you too Y/n, I'm glad you feel this way, I was already going to tell you about my feelings but you beat me to it. I love the way you get shy sometimes, I love it when you smile...I find it cute" he said with a bright smile on his face. I was on cloud 9.

"Thank you" I whispered trying to calm myself.

"Your welcome" We both smiled at each other. I pulled my phone out to check the time to see it was even later than before, I had to get home.

"Gosh, I need to get home" I said panicking.

"I'll walk you home" He said grabbing my hand in his, we walked close to each other towards our destination.

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