Manjiro Sano x Reader | Stubborn

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I suggest you re-watch episode 23 (Valhalla fight) - It's a bit different from the anime.

Y/n pov

"You are not joining us" Mikey uttered as we spoke privately away from the others.

I stared at him, hands in my pockets, as our eyes connected, both expressionless.

We were close friends, though everyone thought we were in a relationship. I was his right-hand woman, almost like Draken, however, unlike Draken I was stubborn. I loved fights, I loved the thrill of being faced with our opponents. Being the only girl in the Tokyo Manji Gang, I was known for being the cold, badass charm of the gang. I didn't belong to a division, however I mostly moved with the first division, with Draken.

"More members are needed for the fight against Valhalla"

"I'm aware, just sit this one out" He said nonchalant, staring into my eyes. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the others. I felt him follow closely behind me as we walked towards the others.

Draken walked up to us, Mikey whispered something in his ear and he nodded before turning around to call everybody.

"ANNOUNCEMENT" He shouted attracting everyone's attention.

"Tomorrow is the fight against Valhalla, I assure you, victory is in our hands!" He said earning a cheer from every member except for me, as I had my arms crossed on my chest glaring at him. He noticed and proceeded to speak.

"All 5 divisions be present for the fight, except for Y/n," He said earning a lot of frown and chatter from the others, some wondering the reason why I would be missing this important fight. I gave them a blank expression, while others knew inside I was so against his decision.

"End of discussion" Mikey said, dismissing everybody.

I exhaled loudly , closing my eyes before I walked away from the crowd, going towards my motorbike. Usually, I would follow Mikey with Draken. We would have discussions about the fights and the intentions of other gangs, however this time I was too irritated to even want to be face-to-face with Mikey.

I hopped on my bike, wearing my helmet. I started the bike making my way towards the exit, revving past everyone. From the corner of my eye, I could see Mikey looking at him.

Mikey Pov

"She's mad at you" I heard Draken say.

"Tch, I have my reasons" I said hopping on my bike and following behind her.

I sped through the streets I could see her from a distance, her hair blowing through the wind as she sped up.

She noticed my presence, her head slightly turned to my side, gripping the steer, she accelerated away from me. I had lost track of her.

The next day

Y/n Pov

I had been boxing the whole morning, when I received a call from Draken.

"Hey Y/n, just wanted to check on you, you okay?" I heard him say from the other side of the line.

"Hi Ken, Yeah, why?" I said.

"Mikey told me to remind you to not turn up"

"mhmm...don't worry I won't show up" I said smirking.

"mhm, this doesn't sound like you" He said knowing damn well I wasn't gonna follow orders.

"You already know" I said, slightly grinning. I ended the call and tied my long h/c hair in a ponytail, making my way to the abandoned car parking where the fight was going to be held.

At the fight

Draken Pov

Many of our members were already on the floor, it seemed like they had given up.

"We can't fight like you and Mikey" I heard many say.

"Come fight me Draken" I heard Hanma say, standing among the Valhalla members.

I bawled my hands into my fists, as I took some breath ready to face the opponents in front of me who were all smirking.

"Need some help?" I heard behind me, I smirked realising who it was.

Y/n Pov

"Need some help" I uttered earning glances. I could hear people say "Is that Y/n?" "Isn't that...the girl everyone is talking about?" " I heard she's on the same level as Draken and Mikey". My gang members were motivated to see me as I walked next to Draken.

"Took you some time" he said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry" I said  grinning, before we began fighting.

After fighting for a while and taking down many from the opposing gang, I realised Mikey was stuck on a pile of cars fighting Kazutora and some of his men, by himself. We made eye contact and his eyes widened. He mouthed me a "What are you doing here". I smiled and winked back at him, before striking the opponent in front of me.

I began making my way to the top of the pile of cars towards Mikey. Once next to him, we stood back to back as I blocked some of the attacks from him.

"What are you doing here?" He said

"I thought I'd pay you a surprise," I said, striking and kicking, defending all the attacks.

"I'm pretty sure I told you to sit this one out" He said, as I could hear him punching the opponents on his end.

"You know, things happen" I said. I got distracted and moved down from the top of the pile, defending myself from the hits, still standing on my feet, however, this caused Mikey to also get distracted and get struck by Kazutora, causing blood to drip from his head. Startled and worried, I quickly made my way up towards Mikey, before I could get any closer, I got violently hit with a big metal bar, causing me to fall from the pile of cars.

My body laid on the cold ground, Inert. Everyone's attention fell on the motionless body. The world felt like it had stopped, it most definitely had stopped for Mikey, as he stared blankly at the body of the girl that he greatly cared about.

"I never wanted to kill somebody so bad, as I do now" He whispered, making his way to Hanma who was the one to strike you. He punched him causing him to stumble and fall on the ground.

"Put your anger on me" Kazutora said with a big smile, getting in the way.


Mikey kicked him causing him to fly metres away, he then repeatedly punched him, giving him no break in between. His eyes were dark, and all he could see was murder, he didn't want anyone to hurt or touch Y/n and everyone in Toman knew, they knew how much he valued her, but what they didn't know was the love that he had for her.

Y/n Pov

"Mikey, Y/n, she just opened her eyes" Draken said causing Mikey to run towards me.

"Mikey" I whispered. He picked me up bridal style as I wrapped my arms around his exposed upper body, leaning my head on his bare chest.

There at the moment, sirens could be heard from afar, causing everyone to flee the scene.

I remained in his arms, while with the help of Draken, we evacuated from the scene.

Mikey's house

I woke up on his bed, to see him stroking my hair. His eyes had a rather soft gaze.

"Hey" He said greeting me.

"I'm sorry" I said guiltily.

"You see why I didn't want you there" He said with a small smile, yet with sad eyes.

"I-....I thought you would be in danger, the team would need me...that you would need me" I said feeling more guilty, as I brought more harm than good.

"I know, your safety matters to me...a lot" he said still gently stroking my hair. I stared at his lips as he noticed he leaned in. Our lips connected as we kissed passionately.

"You're really stubborn sometimes" He said, chuckling.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" He said with a bigger smile.

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