Hajime Koko x Reader | Birthday

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"Well, I'm almost done " I whispered to myself. I had just finished preparing dinner for me and my boyfriend and was setting up the dinner table. He was currently out doing "business", taking care of the finances of notable gang organisations and was probably coming home in a few. As his partner, I always wanted to make sure he was always right.

I purposely told all the maids in the mansion in charge of food to sit this one down, so that I could lead on my own, though some of them insisted on helping and tasting.

"This doesn't look that bad" I watched in awe, proud of the work that I had done. The setting up was regular however the food looked delicious as I had tried a new recipe and was excited to see Koko's reaction to it, all I had to do now was wait for him to arrive.

For the past few days, Koko had been acting a little strange. Going from sending me presents and coming home with flowers to growing distant. I knew and understood it was a workload, but all I wanted for him to know that I was there for him, and ready to support him if he needed me, but he was too clueless and self-made to rely on anyone else but himself.

I heard the front door opening and instantly stood from my seat, knowing who it was.

"Hey, Koko How was your day?" I softly said.

"mhm...Good " He said walking in, looking at his watch, not once looking at me, I suddenly grew hesitant. He hurriedly walked past me, but I managed to stop him.

"Wait, let's eat dinner together" I said trying to smile as brightly as I could.

"I'm not hungry" He said, once again attempting to leave.

"Wait, I cooked today, I made something new ".

"I don't feel like it, I have things to do" He said looking at his watch.

"you can just try it please?" I begged grabbing onto his wrist as he was visibly growing impatient, but something within was telling me that if I kept asking he would give in.

"No Y/n"


"What part of No I don't want to eat, do you not get" He said yanking my hand off him. "Y/n, you're adding to my stress, I have so much to take care of these days, I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to waste fooling around" He yelled furiously, there at the moment his phone went off.

"Now if you excuse me" He said picking up the call, leaving me there scarred.

His words cut through me deeply. All I wanted was to spend time with him, but I guess I was asking too much. Maybe, I was the problem?

"I promise you, I won't ever waste your time again" I whispered to myself as he walked away. I looked around to see the maids and assistants looking at me with concern. I simply smiled at them in response.

Koko Pov

I had spent hours on this call, hearing various organisations coming for me for being close to bankruptcy. As I had lost most of my money, I almost had nothing. How did it happen? I wasn't sure. I lay back on the chair, breathing out. I was stressed and I didn't know what to do.

The image of Y/n appears in my mind, she was too innocent for me to put my burdens on her.

Y/n Pov

I woke up the next day and walked around the house making sure everything was in place, I walked through the luxurious hallways about to walk up the spiral stairs when I spotted Koko coming down the same stairs.

We walked past each other saying nothing to each other. I swore I saw a hint of confusion in his face. I had vowed to myself that I wasn't going to bother him, no matter how much my heart hated it. I heard the front door closing and realised he had left the house.

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