Kazutora Hanemiya x Reader | Nobody is going to hurt you

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"Y/n where are you?" I was on the phone with my boyfriend, Kazutora. I had left home to get some groceries and didn't inform him.

"I went out to get some groceries " I replied while inside the supermarket picking stuff.

"Okay, as soon as you're done get home safe" He replied.

Kazutora was protective of me, he would always want to be with me whenever I went out just to make sure I was safe wherever I went. I was the only thing left to him after losing some friends, which lead him to be scared to lose me.

Being also part of a gang and having associations, he had to always keep me at the right place at the right time.

"Alright, Kaz"

"I'll stay on the call with you" he said. I started smiling. It was always cute to see him worry for me. I appreciated every second of it.

"I'm sorry for not letting you know" I said feeling guilty.

"It's okay Y/n" He replied.

"I think we might need some eggs, could you check for me" I said moving aisle. I instantly heard him moving around.

"Yes, we do" I heard him say. I picked up some eggs and placed them on the trolley. I walked up to the cashier and paid for everything. I carefully placed all items in a bag and walked out of the store, ready to make my way home, however, I felt someone watching me.

"y/n, is the bag heavy? do you want me to come?" he asked on the other line.

"I can hold it don't worry, but Kazutora I feel like someone is following me" I replied whispering the last bit.

"I'm coming to you, stay on the line" He said. I could hear him walking around before hearing a door being closed.

It was already dark and the street lights were shining on my path. Nobody was on the street except for me. It was the same route, me and Kazutora would take when going to do the groceries together.

"Kaz, I feel a bit uneasy" I said as I felt someone's presence around me.

"Don't worry, nobody is going to hurt you, ever" He replied, trying to calm me down.

Right at that moment, I felt someone harshly grabbing me by the waist.

"Huh...ahh, who are you, get off me" I screamed trying to get the person off me.

Kazutora Pov

"Huh...ahh, who are you, get off me" I heard her say from the other side of the line. My heart dropped when I heard her scream.

"shit" I whispered under my breath, I could hear the fear in her voice and it was breaking me. I started running following the route.

"I've got to protect her, I've got to protect her, I've got to protect her" That's all I kept on saying to myself, that's all I kept on thinking off.

I could hear her struggle, the sound of a wrestle. I felt as if my world was about to fall apart. I had to get to her before anything could happen.

Y/n Pov

The person was firmly holding onto me. It was a fight for my freedom, and after all the struggle, I managed to get them off me. I backed away preparing to run, when they held onto my hair. I looked closely and it was a guy, he looked like a gang member.

"Get off me" I said trying my best not to cry.

He didn't say anything but rather violently pulled my hair. I yelped in pain, letting go of the grocery bag which was now on the floor.

"Get off me" I lastly said, closing my eyes in desperation. All my energy was drained. I couldn't take it anymore.

All of a sudden, I felt the attacker let go of my hair. I opened my eyes to see an enraged Kazutora holding the boy by the collar.

"You know something I hate the most..." He said in a serious tone, facing the boy.

"When people touch what's mine, If I hit you right now I wouldn't be in the wrong" He proceeded. His aura had changed, he had a smile on his face while staring into the boys' soul.

He raised his fist and punched the guy in his gut, causing the boy to crouch in pain. He cried for mercy as Kazutora repeatedly punched him.

"See I would continue, but she's here...If you ever lay a finger on her again, I will find you and it won't be soo good for you" He said before letting go of him.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, walking up to me, checking for any unfamiliar mark on my body.

"I feel better" I replied smiling. He pulled me in a hug and kissed the top of my head relieved.

"I'm sorry, I should have gotten here earlier" He said.

"No, it's my fault, I should have told you that I was going out" I replied guilty.

"I already told you is fine" He said.

He walked to the grocery bag and picked it up, placing some of the dispersed items back inside it. He then walked up to me, handing me his hand and I took it.

"Let's go now" He said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

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