Ken Ryuguji x Reader | Special One?

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"Ken, Look right there" I squealed looking at the ice cream truck which was metres away from me and my crush.

The sun was above our heads blasting its rays. I and Draken were out and walking about looking for Mikey, he had run off somewhere and couldn't be found.

Everyone knew I liked Draken and he probably did too. I was always with him, taking care of him, making sure he was alright after his fights, things that were labelled as excessive for a friend.

I walked up to the ice cream truck excitement written all over my face, trying to pick between the many flavours.

"Can I have a f/f ice cream?" I asked the man inside the truck. Ken walked behind me nonchalantly, patiently waiting for me. I had to pay, so I searched inside my pocket looking for some money when it struck me, I had left my purse at home.

I turned around looking at Ken, he looked at me, hands inside his pockets and looked away, facing elsewhere. I frowned having to give up my ice cream.

I was about to cancel my order when I saw Draken place some money on the counter. The man filled the cone with the requested flavours and handed it to me.

"You have a loving boyfriend right there, Thank you and enjoy!" The man said. Before I could say anything, from the corner of my eyes I could see Ken walking away. I quickly thanked the man and made my way to him.

"Thank you, Ken" I said with a bright smile. He hummed in response, looking for Mikey.

Draken was occasionally sweet to me, he would do the most unexpected things that always surprised me, it was always the smallest things that made my heart content making me believe he cared for me, though I knew I was being delusional.

I had feelings for him but could never tell whether he felt any way towards me. I knew he would never come to love me the way I did, I knew I was always a burden to him one way or the other, maybe even worst than Mikey.

"Are you hot? I've got a spare water bottle if you want?" I asked him. He shook his head.

We walked next to each other as I kept blabbering about different things, while eating my ice cream. I could never tell whether he was listening or not. I was too delusional and believed he was. Inside me, there was a small hope that deep down he felt someway towards me, but then again I was too delusional.

We turned the corner to find Emma and Mikey sitting at a café. Upon seeing Mikey,  Ken walked towards him.

"Ken-chin!" Mikey squealed, seeing his best friend.

"Where did you go?" He asked him, pulling him up from his shirt, obviously unpleased about him walking away from us. I slowly walked towards the group, eyes fixed on Emma. Her eyes never left Draken, she clearly had feelings for him. 

"He came looking for me" She innocently said, a soft smile on her face enough to make one fall in love with her. Draken's gaze softened at Mikey, letting go of his shirt, before looking back at Emma.

My biggest fear was to lose him to her, not that I ever had him, however, I was too stubborn to believe he wasn't for me.

"We went looking for him and on our way we got some ice cream" I said barging in, breaking the eye contact between them.

"Ice cream?! Ken-chin, why didn't you get some for me?" Mikey whined pulling on Ken.

"Let's go get you some then" Ken said. We started walking when Emma spoke.

"No, I'm sure Y/n can go with him and get some, right Y/n?"  Emma replied looking at me. I had no problem getting Ice cream for my friend, however, the thought of leaving her with Ken bothered me, however, I still offered myself.

"Sure" I simply replied, before Mikey started dragging me.

We got to the ice cream truck and Mikey started picking between the list of flavours. He was indecisive and was taking long.

"I'll get the same one you got, but...I like this one too, look at the colours" He said folding his hands and thinking thoughtfully. I started getting impatient.  The more we stood here, the more Emma and Ken got to spend some alone time.

"I've made my mind up, Y/n-chan? do you have money, cuz I don't" He said looking at me.  Then it struck me I forgot to ask for money from Ken.

"Give me a second, I'm going to ask Ken" I said making my way back to the café.

"Ken-" I said walking towards them but stopped when I heard my name being mentioned. I hid in a corner and listened.

"What about Y/n?" Emma asked.

"What about y/n..." He replied nonchalantly.

"What do think of her?" She asked. The question that I had been long waiting for, my mind wasn't ready for the answer, however, my heart and soul were dying to know. He remained quiet, hesitating on whether to answer.

"I...don't think of her, she's a bit  annoying...why?" He said nonchalantly, looking away from her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know, you seemed really close, isn't she a bit cringe?" she said smiling and he simply hummed.

My body froze, It felt as if someone had stabbed me. I couldn't move. I couldn't say a word. 

There I realised it all, It felt as if someone had slapped me, It hurt yet I had to face reality. I was annoying to him...Obviously I was, I was always annoying to him, those times I cared for him, I was annoying, I was nothing but bothersome... not only to him but to everyone around me.

"never mind I had some spare money" Mikey said from behind me.

"What's wrong Y/n?" He asked worried. I was broken inside and It was visible. I didn't know what to say.

"N-nothing" I whispered under my breath. By now, the two had already realised we were standing there.

"oh you're back" Emma said. I looked up and made eye contact with Ken.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go now" I said quickly walking away.

"What, wait Y/n" I heard Mikey say, but it was too late, I was already gone.

I couldn't stay there any longer, I couldn't be in the same place as them. No matter how much my mind prepared me for this, my heart wasn't ready for this rejection.

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