Atsushi Sendo x Reader | Childhood lovers

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"I don't know Hinata" I said to my best friend as we walked to meet the little group of delinquents.

"It's fine Y/n, don't you worry, I am more than sure he cares for you" Hinata said.

"You think?" I said.

"If I think? Y/n you're my best friend, how could I ever lie to you ?!" She said chuckling.

"Oh, sorry! Yes, yes, yes, you're right, I'm overthinking it" I said with realisation, awkwardly smiling.

"Yes you are, silly Y/n" She said. It suddenly went quiet.

"So....have you and Takemichi, like done-" I sneakily tried to ask.

"No Y/n, NO!" She said, side-eying me and it went quiet, once again. There was silence before we both busted out laughing. She truly was my best friend.

We got to the meeting point. We walked up to Takemichi and the others, including Takuya, Kazushi, Makoto and Akkun, my childhood best friend.

"Hey guys, nice to see you"  Takuya said as he waved at us.

"Hi guys" Hinata said, waving back. She moved towards Takemichi and embraced her boyfriend, I watched as he blushed.

"Hi" I heard on my side. I turned to the direction of the voice to see Atsushi (Akkun) smiling at me. I gave him a warm smile and moved next to him.

"How have you been" He asked.

"Good, was bored the entire day" I said glancing at the others.

"You could have studied" He said smirking, knowing that I hated school, even more studying.

"Ha ha, how funny" I replied sarcastically.

"Maybe, Y/n I can make your day better" Makoto said, walking towards me with a slight grin on his face.

"She doesn't need you, weirdo" Akkun said blocking his path, I slightly chuckled at the sight. Akkun was protective of me, even though he wouldn't admit it to be true, he really was.

"What do you guys want to do?" Takemichi asked, getting everyone's attention.

"Let's have fun guys" Kazushi said, adjusting his glasses.

So that's what we did, we spent some quality time together. Spending time with them was all I needed sometimes. We made so many memories.

"Time to go. We're going, bye guys." Makoto said, it was now dark. He, Takuya and Kazushi waved goodbye to us before they began to walk away.

"I'll go with Hinata, are you going with Y/n" Takemichi asked Akkun and he nodded.

"Bye Y/n, see ya soon" She said as we embraced. "Make sure to kiss under the stars" She sneakily whispered in my ear, as we hugged. I blushed and pulled away "Won't happen", she grinned a little seeing my face.

We waved our goodbyes before walking in our separate directions.

"Wait let's go somewhere quickly" Akkun said, he suddenly grabbed my hand and before I could say anything and began to direct me to the so-called place. We arrived at our childhood playground, the place where our friendship started.

"You remember playing here?" He asked.

"Yeah I do, I also remember how you fell from that slide...face first" I said laughing slightly pointing towards the slide, he glared at me before proceeding.

"You have a great memory" He said with sarcasm, rolling his eyes. Still holding hands I walked towards the swings.

"You remember when we were young when I asked you to push me you couldn't do it. You were so small" I said staring at the swing.

"Sit down" He said, looking at the swing. I sat down and he got behind me and began to slightly push the swing. The memories began to flash in my mind. I have shared most of my life with this boy, it seemed unreal.

He stopped pushing and sat on the swing next to me.

"I have so many memories with you Y/n" He said and I smiled.

"I know" I replied. It went silent, a peaceful silence.

"Y/n...I promise when we are older when it's the right time, I'll marry you" He said. I looked at him. He was watching the moon in front of him. I stared at him in the moonlight. I was mesmerised by the beauty of his words. A part of me was satisfied, I warmly smiled and looked up in the sky with him.

"Then you better hurry up" I said smiling, watching the moon. I felt his gaze on me. I turned to look at him. We stared at each other. His eyes landed on my lips, he slowly leaned closer position. I felt his lips on mine. Fireworks, I felt fireworks in my stomach.

We soon parted and I went back to looking at the sky.

Part of me was happy we kissed, however part of me realised he never asked me to be his.

Things happened so quickly, time flew, soon he became more invested in his gang activities and I started getting better in school, to the point where I graduated. We lived different worlds. It seemed as if he forgot about the promises he made and so we grew distant, yet my feelings for him still remained, and I wondered if his did too.

Same thing happened to Hinata and Takemichi, me and her remained closed. We graduated and began to work in the real world together as business managers.

A/n Pov:

At the same time, Akkun regretted his decision to live the life he currently leaved. He wished he had claimed Y/n. He wished he invested his time on Y/n.

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