Ran Haitani x Reader | Trust me...

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"She's here" I heard Hanma say. 

I stepped into the building where all the members of Tenjiku were situated. I was Kakucho's younger twin sister and it was normal for the members to see me around most of the time.

"Hey" I said as I walked in greeting everyone.

"Hey Y/n" I heard Izana, the boss, giving me a small smile. I looked around the room greeting everyone. 

"I bet you missed me" Ran said giving me a smirk.

"Surely didn't" I said rolling my eyes. Ran and I had a questionable "friendship". 

I was a troublemaker and I had the IDGAF attitude and they all knew. I wasn't into the illegal stuff they did but regardless of it, I was always ready to support my twin brother in everything he wanted to do.

"Anyways, I don't see him here, where's Kakucho?" I said as I noticed he wasn't in the room with us.

"He's just out on the rooftop..." Rindo said.

"Thank you"  I replied. Between Rindo and Ran, I had a better friendship with Rindo, he was just way nicer than Ran...in my opinion.

I walked up to the rooftop to find my twin brother sat down, lost in his thoughts.

"Kakucho" I called him. He turned around and smiled at me, once he noticed my presence.

"Y/n...why are you here?"

"I wanted to pay you a little visit" I said as I sat down next to him.

"You know I don't like having you around this gang stuff"

"Too bad I'm here and I don't care...anyways how have you been, why are you up here?"

"I'm quite alright...I was just wondering something..." He said slowly zoning out. 

"yeah...go on.." I said

"Never mind....what about you, how are you?" He said as if snapping out of his thoughts looking at me and smiling at me.

"I'm fine...no never mind, finish what you were saying " I said, raising my eyebrow at him a bit confused at his change in behaviour.

 He was about to talk when Ran interrupted him. "Izana said to come we are about to have a meeting"

I glared at Ran before we made our way back inside.


I sat down on one of the couches in the main rooms waiting for them to come out from the long meeting. It had already been 30 min. I was sipping orange juice facing up to the ceiling and observing the room.

"This is surely boring" I said bored from the silence.

I stood up from my seat about to leave when I heard the door of the meeting room opening. They all came out and I couldn't help but look for Kakucho's face among them.  He stood next to Izana and they seemed to be visibly still in a conversation.

"Finally you're out...whatever that was, took all of my time here. I've got to go now" I said alerting them all. It was already dark outside and I had business to take care of the next day.

"Oh well then Bye Y/n" I heard Izana and some members say.

"See ya Y/n...Ran can you walk her home for me, sorry Y/n I can't today" My brother said. I raised my eyebrow at him. He always walked me home to ensure I got home safe even though I always told him I didn't need it, I would still let him. Having Ran walk me home was the last thing I ever wanted.

"No thank you...I'm good" I said as I opened the door.

I heard Kakucho telling Ran "Follow her" and I rolled my eyes. Seconds later I felt his presence behind me.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before I spoke, I couldn't stand his presence.

"You can leave now, you know" I said with my arms folded on my chest as I walked.

"Don't care" 

"Kakucho won't know, you can leave" I said irritated.

"I don't listen to you, I listen to my members" He said lowly chuckling. I could tell he was amused by my frustration.

We walked for another minute in silence before we got to my front door.

"Right...now, leave" I said facing him.

"Was going to...sleep well princess" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out at him.

Deep down I loved the little nickname he called him, but I would have never admitted it to myself or anyone else. Love was just not my thing...

2 days after

I made my way to Tenjiku's base ready to see my brother again. I got to the door and knocked, before hearing Rindo's voice telling me to come in.

"Hey Rindo...Where is everyone?" I said surprisingly finding only Him, Ran, Koko and Sanzu.

"Don't worry about it" Ran was quick to answer.

"Uhm...no, where is my brother?" I said as something didn't seem right.

"They went on a mission to fight Tokyo Manji Gang..." Ran said unbothered.

I went quiet as it dawned on me...Kakucho's behaviour on the rooftop... The long meeting... him not walking me home...Tokyo Manji Gang...THE INVINCIBLE MIKEY!

"Wait you're telling me the mission is them facing MIKEY??" I said a bit concerned.

"How do you know about Mikey...?" Koko said.

"Well, it's not like he's not one of the strongest fighters out there and it's not like Izana is mentioning him from time to time...I have been here long enough..."

"They will be fine" Ran said still with an unbothered look.

"Where are they?" I said packing my stuff.

"Y/n we can't tell you" Rindo said.

"It's fine I'll find them myself..." I said storming out of the building furious.

"Why would Kakucho even agree to that" I whispered to myself.

Minutes later I felt Ran's presence around me.

"Go away" I said walking around not exactly knowing where I was heading. Ran walked closely behind him with both his arms resting at the back of his head.

"I can't do that I have promised Kakucho that I would look after you when he's not there. Where exactly do you think you're going"

"I'm going to find them" 

"Aren't you stubborn, I said they will be alright" He said.

"Listen here, I don't know what you take me for, but I don't give a fuck of what you think, but you better be right, cuz if something happens to my brother, I'll kill you" I abruptly said turning around to face him with a stern look on my face.

Our faces were so close, inches away, as we stared into each other's souls. Ran wasn't fazed by my threats as he has dealt with worse, however, something about my tone showed that I wasn't playing. 

I turned around and proceeded to walk. He somehow walked closer to me than before, but I ignored it.

After walking for a while I manage to spot them. 

To be continued

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